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St George's and City have merged. Find out more.

Aims and objectives

The pace of change in Higher Education is significant. St George's needs to ensure it is able to adapt and remain responsive to an ever-changing HE market. Success in the future depends on St George's having a clear and distinctive market position and a strong brand identity that connects with future prospective students and stakeholders.

The University has ambitious targets for domestic and international growth. The University's reputation will be vital in realising these ambitions – whether it's related to student recruitment, a fundraising campaign, or promoting research impact.

  • Understand current awareness and perception of St George's among its key audiences and understand what our target students look for in their ideal university.

  • Develop a compelling overarching positioning statement for St George's to identify what is distinctive about the university compared to its competitors and establish a way for staff and students to articulate this in a way that resonates with its key audiences.

  • Distil the various messages currently in use and develop a set of agreed stratified messages for particular audiences to support the overarching positioning which can be clearly substantiated.

  • Develop a unified visual identity and language for St George's that support the positioning statement and helps the university stand-out in a crowded market.

  • Develop a set of practical guidelines to help St George's present itself consistently across media.

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