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To access your profile, go to the People Finder:

  • if you’ve already published your profile externally: search for and open your profile, click on the Login to the St George’s website link under your contact details, then click Edit my website profile

  • if you haven’t published your profile yet: click the login link in the green box on the right-hand side, then search your name, open your profile and follow the step above.

A screenshot of the login link on the profiles page.

Trust staff or staff not on the central St George’s payroll need to contact us to set up a profile.

If you see a login screen at any point, make sure you click on the blue Sign in with ADFS button. 

The sections available in your profile are listed below, including some sentence starters and basic information to give you an idea of what to include. You don’t need to use all of these sections but we recommend completing a short sentence description of your role and a brief overview at a minimum.

Note that you will have to switch the toggle for each section to Show to have it appear on your profile.

Profile sections

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Personal information – name, job title, department/institute

Your full name, title, surname, role and department are fed automatically from your HR record and are therefore not editable within the website. 

The URL and heading on your profile page is set using the ‘preferred name’ field in the HR database – you can update that yourself using MyWorkplace.  If your job title or institute/department are wrong, email  If your phone number is incorrect or absent, you can edit that yourself in the Phonebook.

Updates take place in a nightly feed and you will receive an email notification to let you know that your data has been changed. Once you’ve received that, log in and double check your details have been updated correctly. 

Single, short sentence description of your role

Write at sentence giving more detail about your role. Only 100 characters are available, so this needs to be short, eg, "I look after the social media channels and top level website content for St George’s."

Contact details

Your personal contact details are also fed automatically from your HR record and are therefore not editable within the website. If they look incorrect, please email HR and ask for your record to be updated. 

You can add additional email addresses or phone numbers, such as team email accounts or a phone number of an assistance. You can also opt to display just these shared details by using the Show/Hide toggles under each field:

  • selecting Show for the team or assistant phone number or email
  • selecting Hide for your phone number and email address.
Social media

Here you can include links to your social media accounts and an external website if you have a particular project site or personal site you wish to share. Please note, this is not mandatory and only advisable if you want views posted across your social channels to be associated with your position at St George’s. 

Connecting to your social media accounts can help you gain more followers and drive traffic to your social media pages. This, in turn, can help you attract funders, connect with collaborators, build partnerships and network with colleagues around the world. 

Profile image

You can include a photograph of yourself here. We recommend you select a professional looking headshot and arrange drop in shoots during the academic year if you would like a new one taken. We promote these via George’s Weekly. 

Please note, it needs to be cropped to a square shape, otherwise it will be distorted on the site. The ideal size is 400x400px. If you need help cropping your picture, email it to the Web Development team

Please include ‘alt text’ to help visually impaired visitors understand the picture, for example, "A picture of Lauren Harper".

Headshots need to be high resolution (which can be achieved these days on a phone).  The Digital Services team also run sessions that staff can book onto at the following times:

  • Tuesday mornings - 10:00 am to 11:00 am
  • Thursday mornings - 10:00 am to 11:00 am; or
  • Thursday afternoons - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Each session can accommodate a maximum of 5 to 8 people.  You will need to collect a form the Digital Services office (next to Pret on the ground floor of Jenner Wing - the other side of the corridor).  Once the form is completed, call 0208 725 2600 and a member of the Digital Services team will book your place for you.

Overview – a brief introduction to you and your role

This content appears on your profile homepage so we recommend all staff add 1-2 paragraphs as an introduction to themselves and their role. To add text, click on ‘text’ and then use the editor window as you would use programs like Word, for example: 

My main responsibilities are….

I look after….

My focus us…

Contact me about…. 


There is a field in the publications space to enter your CRIS ID. Unfortunately, this functionality is not currently available. Therefore we advise you to either:

Please note, once you have entered content into the Publications tab, you also need to switch the toggle to Show.


You can add a tab to your profile where you can offer a more detailed description of your background, experience and measures of esteem. 

You can break up your text with sub headings, and use bullet points if necessary. 

Please note, once you have entered content into the Biography tab, you also need to switch the toggle to Show.


You can add this tab to give an overview of your research activity and projects. You can include links to your institute or research area elsewhere on the website by clicking on the link button in the text editor and adding the path to the page (eg, /about/our-institutes/population-health/research-themes). You can also include external hyperlinks in your text to link to any websites, news stories or journals featuring your research. Some examples are: 

My main areas of research are …

I am currently working on a project to study...

This project is in collaboration with...

I have also worked on these projects in the past…

Please note, once you have entered content into the Research tab, you also need to switch the toggle to Show.


On this tab, you can add details of any funders you have and links to their sites, for example:

My research is being funded by [name of funder and links to their website]. These funders got involved in my project because…

Please note, once you have entered content into the Funding tab, you also need to switch the toggle to Show.

Teams and collaborations

Here you can provide links to any internal or external collaborators or details of your internal research team.

Please note, once you have entered content into this tab, you also need to switch the toggle to Show.


The final available tab can provide information about the level of teaching you undertake and the subjects/modules you cover, for example: 

I am currently responsible for teaching (subject) at St George’s...

I teach these modules; (module names and details)...

I have also taught this subject and modules in the past...

Please note, once you have entered content into the Teaching tab, you also need to switch the toggle to Show.


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