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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Welcome to our One-stop Shop for Business Travel! 

On 1 August 2019, Key Travel became CGST's travel service provider.

Staff booking business or group travel for staff and/or students are required to book through Key Travel.

Through Key Travel, you have access to exclusive discounted academic airfares and they can organise all your travel arrangements to anywhere in the world!

IMPORTANT NEWS! FLIGHT CHANGES ARE LIVE IN THE ONLINE PORTAL - NO REQUIREMENT TO CONTACT KEY TRAVEL BY PHONE OR EMAIL. Flight bookings made online which require amendment can be self-managed by bookers and travellers instead of calling through to Key Travel, giving more control. In addition, there will be no Key Travel change fee when making the changes online!

Here's a handy guide to demonstrate the simple steps needed to change a flight.

Terms & Conditions:

  1. Applicable for online bookings which were started and are being solely managed online
  2. Changes are in line with ticket rules
  3. Low-cost carriers are excluded

If you are an approved travel booker, you may book through the online booking tool or via the offline team. More information can be found below.

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Online support

For assistance with the Key Travel online booking tool:

Reservations and queries

To book offline or for assistance with group travel or any queries relating to booking travel:

Approved bookers

If you are not an approved booker, you can either ask an approved booker to arrange the trip for you.

In order to request to become an approved booker, please complete the approved travel booker request form (Word) and email it to Susan McPheat, Director of Finance. 

Price matching

Key Travel operate a price match promise to ensure you get the best value. To make use of this, read their guidance on the process (PDF).

 CGST procurement queries

For procurement queries please email

Emergency out-of-hours assistance

Please visit the UMAL website for emergency advice and assistance.

CGST travel and expenses policy

Our policy on travel is contained within our expenses policy.

It is a useful reference document detailing the university's policy on travel and associated expenses.

Key Travel booking fees

Download the list of booking fees (PDF) that apply to the university's contract with Key Travel.


 FAQ's, Booking process map and other documents

Up-to-date FAQs can be found here

A travel booking process workflow map can be found here here

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