St George’s, University of London is committed to ensuring that all who visit, work or study here do so in safety.
We have made arrangements for the management and implementation of safety, health, environment and wellbeing-related issues, as set out in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This includes a governance structure using committees with attendance from all areas within the university. This model provides opportunities for issues to be raised, discussed, escalated, monitored and reviewed.
The governance structure is overseen by the Safety Management Committee with assistance from the Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) office as detailed in the chart below.

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Hanif Brora MSc CMIOSH
Assistant Director of Safety, Health & Environment
Areas of Responsibility:
- Safety Management Committee
- Horton Halls
- New Projects
- Liaison with Trust
- Audit 3 YR Programme
- Safety Representative Committee
- Liaison with HSE and EA
- SHE Risk Register
- Institute of Medical and Biomedical Education (IMBE)
- Professional Services Health and Safety Committee
- Education Committee
- Policies
- Radiation Safety Committee
- Research Committee.
Dr. Kameljit Kalsi
Areas of Responsibility:
- Laboratory Inspections
- Chemical and Radiation Waste Store
- Radiation Safety Committee
- Lab, Radiation and COSHH Training
- Cell Irradiator
- Containment Level 3 User Group.
Mark Burton
Ext: 0637
Areas of Responsibility:
- Horton Halls - SHE Fire Inspections plus action plans (every 3 months)
- Fire Training
- Campus SHE Fire Inspections plus action plans (monthly)
- Campus Fire Drills - 6 monthly (Day and Evening)
- Fire Policies
- Fire Risk Assessment (Annually)
- Fire Advice
- New Projects - Fire advice input.
Helen Hamlyn
Executive Assistant - SHE/ Estates and Facilities
Areas of Responsibility:
- Britsafe
- Training Statistics
- Web Management
- Setting up/Organising Training courses
- Managing Electronic Records
- Requisition Orders and budget
- Diary Management and General Administration.