As part of maintaining a safe and efficient laboratory working environment, inspections should take place on an annual basis depending on the nature of the work.
The aim of the inspections is to identify hazards (biological, chemical and radiological) in a standardised and systematic way that may lead to an unsafe working environment. It also aims to look at equipment that could also lead to an unsafe working environment.
Laboratory inspections should be carried out by a nominated member of staff and the Principal Investigator responsible for the laboratory. The inspection should follow the Laboratory Inspection Procedure (PDF) using the checklist (Excel) which will identify the key hazards. Depending on the nature of the work additional items may need to be added to the checklist. Any problems that are identified should be formally reported to relevant sections (Estates, Research Operations or SHE Office) and rectified as soon as possible.
Advice on the disposal of microbiological agents, blood and toxins should be obtained from the SHE Office if necessary.
If excess or unwanted chemicals need to be disposed of the SHE Office should be contacted in the first instance for advice.