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Approximately every second Thursday at 1-2pm (sometimes longer), we will have a workshop held onsite covering a key component of research support delivered by our Professional Services teams. Examples include – Managing a research budget in Agresso, AI in Research, Research Data Management, Open Access, Grant costing, Responsible Research Assessment (DORA). If learning materials are available afterwards look out for messages from RIMs or and/or on this webpage. Events are announced by RIMs and on the weekly seminar emails circulated by Angela Mason
SGUL through Research Operations have a membership with HEaTED. HEaTED is a leading organisation for Higher Education and Technician Educational Development, providing opportunities for the technical workforce to engage with CPD and training, as well as delivering networking events for all specialities, and helping with CV analysis and Interview Preparation for Technicians. They offer a range of courses, contact Priya Madhou or Dimitra Mantzorou
All staff who manage budgets need to complete the following modules on the BUFDG website - Anti-fraud and Bribery e-learning’ modules. You will need to sign up with your SGUL email and keep evidence you have completed the modules. BUFG can be found here.
The Centre for Innovation and Development in Education (CIDE) supports educators at SGUL to demonstrate their commitment to and fulfilment of the Professional Standards Framework. It does this in two principal ways, both of which are accredited by AdvanceHE, the national body promoting excellence in higher education:
1) PgCert in Healthcare and Biomedical Education. Successful completion confers Fellowship of Advance HE
2) ‘SHINE’, a way to gain professional recognition as an Advance HE Associate Fellow, Fellow or Senior Fellow, through a written application assessed by a panel of internal reviewers
Higher education professionals who are engaged in teaching and the support of learning including supervision of projects and postgraduate research, whether as a large or small proportion of their time, should be able to demonstrate that their practice is aligned to the sector-wide ‘Professional Standards Framework’ (PSF). The Framework, updated in 2023, is structured around five Professional Values, five areas of Core Knowledge and five Areas of Activity. More information is available on the webpage.
PGCert is highly recommended for academic staff, and contributes to our TEF. Consider contacting the CIDE team for other opportunities to improve your teaching too.
All research that is not being reviewed by a nationally recognised Research Ethics Committee (eg: NHS REC), that is being conducted by St George’s University London students or staff (conducting research as part of their course or job) or research which involves St George’s University London students, staff, or data, will require a favourable opinion from the St George’s Research Ethics Committee (SGREC) and governance approval by the Research Ethics and Integrity Officer, prior to commencing.
To find out more information on research integrity and ethics please go to our webpage below where you can find, FAQ's, guidance documents, templates and more.
HTA Workshop - Introduction to compliance
Date: 26 March 2024
Time: 10:00 - 11:30
Location: Lecture Theatre A, View map
About the workshop
This event is for those who currently research or planning to research using human tissues. This includes anything containing human cells such as whole blood, saliva, un-centrifuged urine, tissue sections and organs. During this workshop, we will outline HTA research guidance and standards as well as share examples of good practice.
To book onto this course please visit the Learning section of your MyWorkplace. Search "Human Tissue Act" and book onto to result that appears.
Contact details: Priya Madhou - Acting Associate Director of Research Operations
Research staff working with animals go through extensive training which is supported by the Biological Research Facility. Such work is ethically reviewed and carefully regulated. To find out more information please go to our webpage below:
Biological Research Facility (
ItemTracker is sample masnagement software designed to log and track research samples, ensuring accurate records and easy retrieval. Particularly helpful for ensuring compliance with the Human Tissue Act (HTA) regulation. See Laboratory services (