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The St George's Public Engagement Network is open to all staff and students who have an interest in public and civic engagement. By joining the network, you will be kept informed of events, training and new funding opportunities.

You can join our network via microsoft Teams using the following link: Public Engagement Network .

 For information on how we use your data please read this privacy notice (Word). 



If you want to get some experience we have a range of opportunities to help you get started.

  • Run at event in the Public Engagement Space. Read our guide here to help you get started.

  • Join the St George's STEM Ambassador team. From professors to PhD students, we are signing up to share our expertise with young people by becoming a STEM ambassador.

  • Compete in I'm a Scientist, the online competition is a great way to try your hand at engaging with school groups without having to leave your office

  • Volunteer for Pint of Science: which takes place every year in May and needs volunteers from October onwards

  • Volunteer to give a Spotlight on Science talk: Public lectures onsite here at St George's

  • Take part in Science Showoff – fun talks in pubs around London where you can talk about your research to the public

  • More opportunities are listed in the canvas module   (SGUL log-in required) which is kept up to date as new projects are announced.

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