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St George’s has a network of STEM Ambassadors amongst our staff and students who are interested in inspiring and supporting the next generation of scientists.  

Meet our STEM Ambassador Academic Lead 

A picture of Clara Cieza-BorrellaDr Clara Cieza-Borrella is Lecturer in Molecular Biology at the Centre for Biomedical Education (Institute of Medical and Biomedical Education, IMBE) and joined St. George's University in February 2019. She previously worked at the Institute of Cancer Research (Sutton, London) for five years where she carried out her postdoctoral research on the functional characterisation of novel genes and variants associated with prostate cancer development. It was in 2017 when she got the opportunity to get actively involved in Public Engagement activities and became UK STEM Ambassador. Since then, she has been organising and taking part of diverse activities addressed to children (ages 7-12), teenagers (ages 13-17) and young adults (ages 18-23) such as careers speed dating, online live chats with School classes, on-site School students visits, School Careers Fairs, hands-on activities and talks in local Schools. Clara feels confident in speaking about Biology-related subjects to lay audiences including children, young people, parents and carers, and anyone not familiar with the subject really. Contact her by email to or follow her updates on Twitter: @clara_cieza

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