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Date: Monday 10 October 2022

Time: 17:30 - 18:30

Timings for this event are in BST

How to make a Doctor

Professor Jonathan Round

Curve Lecture Theatre (Hunter Wing, Level 0) and Microsoft Teams

Refreshments were available at the Students’ Union following the lecture at 18.30pm

The lecture explored Clinical Education, what makes it different from other areas of study, how this has changed over the years, and Professor Round’s part in these changes.

Educating student clinicians is at least 2500 years old. However the academic discipline of Clinical Education – understanding the processes that are needed to turn a motivated and bright student into the sort of person you might trust with your health – is much younger. So how does this happen? What works well and what doesn’t? What is important in Clinical Education, and why is the Kreb cycle still learnt?

Jonathan formerly began his journey in Clinical Education when he came to St George’s in 1994, during his training in Paediatric Intensive Care. He was later appointed as a Senior Lecturer in 2002. This period up to the present has coincided with considerable changes in how Medical Students and Doctors are trained, moving from rote memory patterning to adult learning approaches. More recently we have seen the limitations of these styles in Clinical Education as we understand that becoming a good Doctor is a complex mix of knowledge, application, skill learning and behaviour modelling.

In this Inaugural lecture, Jonathan explored how he became so passionate about Clinical Education, how he added to the field, and what the future might hold for those learning this ancient art. Lastly, he explained what being a Professor of Practice means and why he is so delighted to mark this milestone in his career.

Watch a recording of this lecture

About Professor Round

Professor Round qualified from Oxford and then King’s College in 1990 and was appointed as Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics and Consultant in Paediatric Intensive Care at St George’s in 2002. He became a Reader in Clinical Education in 2011, served as Children’s Clinical Director 2012-2015. Following serving as Director of Medical Education 2015-2019 at St George’s, he was appointed to be the Head of the London School of Paediatrics from April 2019. He was promoted to Professor in 2021.

Jonathan’s clinical work is in Paediatric Intensive Care and Paediatric Cardiology. His unit manages children with a wide range of intensive care problems, specialising in oncology, neurology and surgical causes of critical illness. His cardiology practise sees him managing a wide range of conditions across the spectrum of ages.

He is lead for Paediatric Education at St George’s, University of London and has published numerous articles and an award-winning book in Medical Education and Paediatrics. He works closely with the e-Learning Unit developing educationally useful technologies. His research is in Medical Error, Virtual Patients and their use in Education, in Paediatric Oncology, and in Clinical System Design.

His vision is to improve healthcare through better Clinical Education. He loves making the complex easy to comprehend, and in the context of medicine enabling others to understand disease, diagnosis and treatment. His passion is to train others in the art of Clinical Education, so that the next generation of health care professionals are fully equipped for the challenges they will face.

About our Inaugural Lectures

St George's newly arrived or promoted professors are invited to give an Inaugural Lecture to mark this milestone in their academic careers.

Professors use the opportunity to introduce themselves, update colleagues on current and future research plans and share their research with wider audiences. It is also a chance to celebrate the support from friends and family, and from colleagues, mentors, and collaborators past and present.

The Inaugural Lecture Series culminates in an annual celebration of research excellence at St George’s on Research Day, which will be held on 7 December 2022.

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