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Date: Monday 18 September 2023

Time: 17:30 - 18:30

Location: The Curve Lecture Theatre (Reception in Collaborative Space) (Hunter Wing, Level 0) and online via MS Teams, View map

Presenter: Professor Daniel Forton

This is a hybrid event being held in The Curve Lecture Theatre (Hunter Wing, Level 0) with online attendance available via MS Teams.

About this lecture

In his inaugural lecture, How to cure disease (lessons learned trying), Professor Forton will describe how the unprecedented journey from the discovery of the Hepatitis C virus to its potential elimination over 40 years has impacted his career.

He will reflect on his experiences in basic scientific discovery, through running effective clinical trials to eventually managing public health initiatives.

Daniel will explain how the lessons he has learned through these developments have shaped his practice, activities and ambition at St George’s.


Watch a recording of this lecture

About Professor Daniel Forton

Professor Daniel Forton PhD, FRCP is a Consultant Hepatologist at St. George's Hospital, London. During his training he was appointed as a Clinical Lecturer at Imperial College London, performing basic scientific and clinical research into the CNS manifestations of chronic Hepatitis C (HCV) infection. He was awarded the Dame Sheila Sherlock Research Medal from the British Association for the Study of the Liver and was the first investigator to demonstrate evidence of a biological effect of HCV on brain function.

Daniel moved to St George’s in 2005 and, together with Dr Sarah Clark, established and expanded the Hepatology Department, developing new clinical services in tandem, and informed by, a rich clinical trials programme.

His roles have included Clinical Director in Acute Medicine and Associate Medical Director for Research since 2011. He established the Clinical Research Facility within the Trust, which gained funding and accreditation from the NIHR in 2022.

His initial interests in viral Hepatitis continue to this day and he is chair of the South West London HCV Operational Delivery Network, charged with eliminating this virus in our communities.

His current research now includes clinical trials of novel therapies for Hepatitis B and non-alcohol related fatty liver, alongside mentoring and supporting colleagues to develop research careers. 

About our inaugural lectures

St George's newly arrived or promoted professors are invited to give an Inaugural Lecture to mark this milestone in their academic careers.

Professors use the opportunity to introduce themselves, update colleagues on current and future research plans and share their research with wider audiences. It is also a chance to celebrate the support from friends and family, and from colleagues, mentors and collaborators past and present.

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