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Date: Monday 15 May 2023

Time: 17:30 - 18:30

Location: The Curve Lecture Theatre (Hunter Wing, Level 0), View map

Teaching, Learning, and Research: A Journey through Statistics

Presenter: Professor Philip Sedgwick

About this lecture

In his inaugural lecture, Professor Philip Sedgwick will share his reflections on his academic career as a medical statistician. His personal journey has been one as a teacher and researcher. Philip will outline how his experiences in these roles, plus the overlap and interaction between them have taken him on a continuous journey of learning. 

Watch a recording of this lecture

About Professor Sedgwick

Professor Sedgwick received his PhD from the University of London; it was in the applied research area of sleep and its disorders. He has over 35 years of experience in research and teaching. During that time, he has written and co-authored nearly 150 peer-refereed journal publications and book chapters in the biomedical, healthcare, and clinical sciences, plus medical education. His research interests include early-phase clinical trials. Philip is a statistical editor for two international journals.

Philip has taught a variety of specialities in the health sciences at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level. His teaching includes the disciplines of medical statistics, epidemiology, research methods, critical appraisal skills, and statistical computing.

In 2009, Philip was commissioned to write weekly for the BMJ. He did this in an educational capacity on topics in medical statistics, epidemiology, research methods, research ethics, and clinical communication skills. Having written for the BMJ for six and half years, he produced over 300 articles that appeared in a series called “Endgames”. Philip has twice won the best contributed presentation in the Section on Teaching Statistics in the Health Sciences at the annual conference of the American Statistical Association. He was awarded this prestigious award for his innovative and successful approaches to teaching statistics.

About our Inaugural Lectures

St George's newly arrived or promoted professors are invited to give an Inaugural Lecture to mark this milestone in their academic careers.

Professors use the opportunity to introduce themselves, update colleagues on current and future research plans and share their research with wider audiences. It is also a chance to celebrate the support from friends and family, and from colleagues, mentors, and collaborators past and present.

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