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Date: Monday 15 April 2024

Time: 17:30 - 18:30

Location: The Curve Lecture Theatre (Reception in Collaborative Space) (Hunter Wing, Level 0) and online via MS Teams, View map

Presenter: Professor Tihana Bicanic

Please join us on Monday 15 April for The trials and tribulations of a budding mycologist, an inaugural lecture by Professor Tihana Bicanic.

About this lecture

The trials and tribulations of a budding mycologist

In her inaugural lecture, Professor Tihana Bicanic reflected on highlights from her career as an Infectious diseases specialist and Mycology researcher.

Her career journey spans clinical trials in Asia and Africa, and studies focussed on UK NHS patients, using clinical samples to better understand disease mechanisms and develop improved interventions for fungal infections caused by the 'big 3' fungal killers: Cryptococcus, Aspergillus and Candida.

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About Professor Tihana Bicanic

Professor Bicanic joined St George’s in April 2013 as a Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Infectious Diseases. She studied medicine at Cambridge (pre-clinical) and clinical training at Oxford (clinical). Her specialist postgraduate clinical training in Microbiology and Infectious diseases was at St George's Hospital NHS Trust (2002-2009), where she has been a Consultant in Infectious Diseases since 2013.

Since 2004, together with colleagues from St George's and many international collaborators, she has been involved in internationally-leading clinical and translational research in Mycology (fungal infections). A Wellcome Fellowship in 2010 allowed her to establish her own lab and research group as a Principal Investigator in the Institute of Infection and Immunity. She was promoted to Reader in 2015 and Professor in 2023.

About our inaugural lectures

St George's newly arrived or promoted professors are invited to give an Inaugural Lecture to mark this milestone in their academic careers.

Professors use the opportunity to introduce themselves, update colleagues on current and future research plans and share their research with wider audiences. It is also a chance to celebrate the support from friends and family, and from colleagues, mentors and collaborators past and present.

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