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Date: Friday 06 September 2024

Time: 09:00 - 17:30

Location: The Curve Lecture Theatre and online via MS Teams, View map

About the InterTB Symposium

The InterTB symposium is a 1-day academic meeting which is focused on new regimens and clinical trials for pulmonary DS-TB. It has been running for 18 years and attracts regular attendance by leading academics and trialists. Delegates will be provided a certificate of attendance. Lunch and refreshments will be included in the price of your ticket.

Full programme

Time Speaker Title Duration

Session 1: Drug pipeline and preclinical regimen development

Chair: Jon Friedland

09:00 Jon Friedland Welcome 5 mins 
09:05 Amina Jindani  The story so far  15 mins 
09:20  Barbara Laughon  The global new TB drug pipeline  15 mins 
09:35  Eric Nuermberger  Murine studies to inform regimen selection  15 mins
09:50  Bree Aldridge  Optimising drug combinations through in vitro studies  15 mins 
10:05  Paolo Denti  Flat vs weight band dosing of TB drugs  15 mins 
10:20 Rada Savic PReDicTR-TB Consortium 15 mins
10:35  General discussion  20 mins
10:55 Tea and coffee  30 mins 

Session 2: New/current trials

Chair: Richard Chaisson

11:25 Martin Boeree PanACEA STEP2C trial 15 mins
11:40 Attie Stadler PRESCIENT 2C trial 15 mins
11:55 Hanif Esmail Unite4TB 15 mins
12:10 Chris Cousins RIFAstrat trial 15 mins
12:25 Charles Wells PanTB trial 15 mins
12:40 Kelly Dooley ACTG and TBTC trial activities (SPECTRA, RAD-TB, CRUSH-TB) 15 mins
13:05 General discussions 20 mins
13:25 Lunch 1 hour

Session 3: Clinical trial design and outcome measures

Chair: Rada Savic

14:25 Daniel Grint Outcomes in late phase TB treatment trials 15mins
14:40 Nick Paton Biomarkers from TRUNCATE-TB 15 mins
14:55 Matteo Quartagno Designing clinical trials to determine optimal durations for TB treatment 15 mins
15:10 Olalekan Lee Aiyegbusi Participant-reported outcomes in TB trials 15 mins
15:25 Samuel Schumacher Closing the gap: a TB trial platform supported by WHO 15 mins
15:40 General discussions 20 mins
16:00 Tea 30 mins

Session 4: Keynote lecture

Chair: Sean Wasserman

16:30 Guy Thwaites Lessons from TBM trials 30 mins
17:00 General discussion and closing 30 mins
17:30 Drinks reception 1 hour

Download the programme here.


Contact Details

If you have any questions about the InterTB symposium, please contact the InterTB organising committee.

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