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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Date: Wednesday 16 October 2024

Time: 14:00 - 15:45

Location: H0.2, View map

About the event

Attentive listening is as important for healthcare as it is for music or performance. Tansy Spinks’ soundwalk offers careful listening as an encounter with your immediate environs. In a walk around the rich and varied area of Tooting, you will listen to sounds heard as a ‘readymade composition’. You will be introduced to Chion’s three modes of listening; the causal, reduced and semantic as a way of heightening your attention and have an opportunity to meet new peers from courses across City St George’s.

The walk will be followed by a brief discussion of sounds heard and connotations suggested comparing notes from your own perspectives/language and thoughts on different readings. How might you incorporate embodied listening in your own field of practices and ways of working?  References and readings for further study will be provided.

The event will include a brief introduction in room H0.2, approx. an hour's walk around Tooting (without speaking) and a de-brief with refreshments afterwards, in H0.2.

About the event's facilitator

Tansy Spinks is an artist using sound art, performance, live-improvisation, photography, and video. As a violinist and Fine Art lecturer, Tansy Spinks researches materiality and association, the everyday object and site-related sound as a live, performative practice.

She has exhibited and performed widely, exploring her practice from a studio in Brixton, South London. 


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