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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Our alumni volunteers give back something of real value back to the university. Our alumni’s knowledge and experience of life after graduation is more valuable than ever. Whether you help by providing a career profile or story, speaking at a careers event or interviewing prospective students through our Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) scheme, the time you give has a real impact on the students following in your footsteps.  

Why volunteer with us?

  • Help develop the next generation of St George’s students.

  • Develop your own professional skills such as communication, public speaking and leadership.

  • Expand your network by meeting other volunteers, alumni, St George’s students and staff.

  • Opportunities to promote your work, career path, or business.

  • The feel good factor of helping others.

Why is alumni volunteering important?

Alumni volunteering provides our students with a unique opportunity to engage with people who have been in their shoes and know the challenges they face. Your advice and guidance can help our students to develop their employability skills, their insight into the working world, and their own knowledge and understanding of how to be successful. As a St George's graduate, you are instantly relatable to them as they aspire to build the same successful careers and find out more about how they can use their degree after graduation. As alumni, you are inspiring, relatable role models for our students, with the ability to help them make the most of their university experience.

 To find out more about how to volunteer, email us at  

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