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Professional and Technical Service staff visit to UK Parliament

Westminter Hall 1

A group of 25 Professional and Technical Service staff visited the iconic UK Parliament on Friday 22 September 2023, as part of the Social and Well-being group programme of activities.  The visit was an enlightening experience to enrich our understanding of history and governance.  We had some great feedback – some of the highlights from participants are below:

"I wasn't expecting the beauty of the buildings. I have honestly never seen anything like the roof in the entrance, the gold seemingly everywhere, and the detail in the carvings on the walls and the statues. Absolutely surreal."

"Actual history lesson, great to be in a place of history where key decisions are made, the guided tour was full of historic facts and stories."

"I thought it was interesting hearing about the history of Black Rod,  and their traditional role in the State Opening of Parliament – Black Rod is sent from the Lords to the Commons, the door to the Commons is slammed in their face, Black Rod bangs on the door to allow the Lords to enter the Commons for the monarch’s speech."

"I would say, for me the standout points and highlights would be the stained glass; the light sculpture by Mary Branson, The Houses of Commons where the heated debates take place and the four statues located next to the main doors at either end of the Lobby, portraying David Lloyd George, Winston Churchill, Clement Attlee and Margaret Thatcher."

"Moreover, this visit wasn't just about the building itself but also the camaraderie of the team I was with. Exploring the Parliament together and sharing our thoughts on what we were seeing created a bond among us that extended beyond our workplace. It was a great opportunity for team building and strengthening our professional relationships."

"Meeting new colleagues during the trip added a delightful dimension to the experience. Engaging in conversations with them about our impressions and insights from the visit helped foster connections and expand my network within the organisation."

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