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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Dushyant MitalWhat course did you study?  


What is your current role? 

Consultant Physician in Sexual Health & HIV Medicine.


How did you get into your current role? 

Through a variety of hospital jobs and experience in developing countries.

Can you describe a typical day? 

Currently out-patient clinic with TEAMS meetings of various roles – Research, Teaching (postgraduate/undergraduates), Audit, Medical Examiner Role, Appraisals of colleagues,  

What do you enjoy about your role?

Very varied role and each day different. Feel like I am making a difference to patient care and colleagues working/educational roles.

What do you find challenging in your current role? 

Management and financial bureaucracy can be a hurdle in striving to improve patient care. 

What advice would you give to a current student at St George’s who is keen to get into a similar area of work as you? 

Do a variety of Medical hospital jobs, work abroad if you can, attend taster sessions and educational meetings if possible, and shadow or do an F2 post to be sure about the role. 

Which aspects of your degree are relevant for your current role? 

All aspects – lateral knowledge and experience of all Medical disciplines crucial in management of patients. 

Do you have any advice or a message for current students at St George’s? 

Continue to work and study hard with patient-based learning at all times if possible, read around special interests, attempt to undertake research projects in areas of interest to get an idea of a potential future career. Network all the time with senior and junior colleagues as this may prove invaluable for future career steps.

Do you have any advice or a message for students considering studying at St George’s? 

Best Medical School in the World – you can be yourself with no airs and graces, lifelong friendships are made,  there's a brilliant social life, superb pastoral care, and an excellent Alumni Community. 


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