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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

The Clinical Skills Practice Space is located in room H5.6 on the 5th floor Hunter Wing.

You must book a space in advance via

Slots are 30 - 90 minutes. The last 10 minutes must be used to clean and tidy away equipment and leave the area in an acceptable condition for the next users.

The room is open:

  • Monday to Friday from 8 am to 10 pm
  • Weekends and bank holidays from 9 am to 4.30 pm

NB: the room is closed in the University closure period between Christmas and the New Year.

Outside of normal working hours (after 6 pm, weekends and bank holidays), the Clinical Skills Practice Space can be accessed by using Stairwell 12 or Lift 12. This is the stairwell adjacent to Peabody’s.

The room has access control. The card reader is to the left-hand side of the door. All users must swipe their ID card. Please do not hold the door open for anyone.

The Clinical Skills Practice Space and surrounding corridors have CCTV cameras. These are for Health & Safety and Security purposes. Please note that, for privacy, the couch spaces are not covered by CCTV. Recorded images may be accessed to investigate unacceptable behaviour or theft.

Manikins, furniture and other equipment must not be taken to be used elsewhere. Students have been subject to disciplinary procedures for such behaviour in the past.

NB: the use of sharps is not permitted in the Clinical Skills Practice Space.

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Manikins, furniture and other equipment must not be taken to be used elsewhere. Students have been subject to disciplinary procedures for such behaviour in the past.

Please do not move furniture, it has been configured to provide the best space for everyone.

There are 6 bays with treatment couch – please use these only for peer examination. Please use manikins on the tables provided, leave couches free for peer exam.

Airway management  1
Antenatal examination
Breast examination 2
Ear examination
Eye examination 2
Female pelvic (bimanual exam and smear) 2
Female urinary catheterisation 1
 Male urinary catheterisation 2
Male pelvic examination 1
Male rectal examination 2
NG tube insertion 1
Resus Annie and BVM 2
Testicle examination
ECG machines 3
Neuro kits 6
Oto- and ophthalmoscope sets 2
Peak flow meters 2
Skeleton 1
Sphygmomanometers - anaeroid 6
Sphygmomanometers - digital 4
Stadiometer and scales
Stopclocks 4
TPR charts  
Urine dipsticks 2

NB: the use of sharps is not permitted in the Clinical Skills Practice Space

Expected behaviour

Expected behaviour

The CP Space is for practising your clinical skills. Please behave in and treat the space as you would a ward, consulting room etc.

It is not a common room or breakout space. Please do not use it as such.

NO food or drink, other than bottled water, is permitted.

A general cleaning service is provided only to clean the sink and floors.

Users are expected to keep the room clean and tidy, so you must clear up after yourself:

  • General waste (eg wrappings, paper) to domestic waste bins
  • Clinical waste (eg gloves, gauze, catheters) to orange/tiger stripe bins
  • Manikins and equipment cleaned with wipes provided and returned to shelving
  • Couches and tables to be cleaned with wipes provided

If you notice other users not clearing up after themselves, eating in the room, being disrespectful, or otherwise misusing the space, please challenge them.

Please do not allow the room to become untidy, this is unacceptable:


If bins are full, please contact:

If consumables need replenishing or any equipment is damaged or broken, please notify

All users must swipe their ID card to enter the room. A log will be kept and referred to if there are any instances of inappropriate behaviour or theft. If you hold the door open for others and they behave inappropriately, you may be held responsible.

Such behaviour is taken very seriously, please note that previous instances of theft from the SDL Room were investigated and the students responsible were subject to disciplinary sanctions and referred to the Fitness to Practice Committee.

Sharps practice

Sharps practice is available for MBBS students in years T, P and F, and for MPAS students.

Practice for MBBS years 1 and 2 is organised and supervised by the clinical skills team.

The sharps practice room is H4.25, 4th floor Hunter Wing.

Sharps practice is available on most Wednesday afternoons. Prior to CCAs, the room may also be available on other weekdays. Sessions must be pre-booked by emailing

Sessions can accommodate up to 4 people.

Sessions are for 1 hour. Please allow sufficient time at the end to clear up.

Arms and consumables for venepuncture and cannulation are provided.

Sharps must all be disposed of in the yellow sharps bins provided. If these are full, please see one of the Technical Services team for replacements. DO NOT overfill the sharps bins.

For any issues, the team can usually be found in either our central store area or our office.

CPS map

Terms & Conditions

Clinical practice space

Each time you make a booking for the Clinical Practice Space you must confirm you have read and understood the terms and conditions of booking which are listed below. You agree to adhere to them by checking the box.

These terms and conditions may be changed throughout the academic year at any time.

Terms and conditions

Bookings can only be made by St George’s University of London students.

Bookings must be made online using the booking system. Bookings cannot be made by email.
In the interests of fair usage, you or anyone in your group may not place back-to-back bookings.
You must read the following documents before using the room and adhere to the conditions therein

  • Clinical Practice Space General Information
  • Clinical Practice Space Expected Behaviour

The space is only to be used for self-directed learning and practice with peers. It cannot be used for ad-hoc teaching sessions.

We reserve the right to suspend user access if items are not left in a fit state or the area that you booked was left untidy or dirty.

We cannot guarantee the availability of all equipment as there are times when manikins may be unavailable due to maintenance, teaching or examinations.


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