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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

There are several areas on campus for students to use to socialise, as well as places to get something to eat or drink.

We've listed these on this page so you know where to find them. View our campus maps if you need further help with trying to find each space.

Social spaces

Details of social spaces on St George's campus
Students' Union Bar 2nd floor, Hunter Wing
Pret a Manger seating area 2nd floor, Hunter Wing
Breakout space in front of Michael Heron Lecture Theatre 1st floor, Hunter Wing
Breakout space behind the Curve Lecture Theatre Ground floor, Hunter Wing
Breakout space outside the Student Life Centre Ground floor foyer, Hunter Wing
Students' Union Games Room 2nd floor, Hunter Wing


St George's, University of London

Catering options on St George's, University of London campus
Peabody's Ground floor foyer, Hunter Wing
Students' Union shop Ground floor foyer, Hunter Wing
Greenhouse Ground floor foyer, Hunter Wing
Pret a Manger Ground floor, Jenner Wing
Pret a Manger 2nd floor, Hunter Wing

The Students' Union Games Room (Hunter Wing, 2nd Floor) has microwaves for students to use to heat up food on campus.

St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


tering options at St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Ingredient's* 1st floor, Lanesborough Wing
Peabody's Ground floor, Atkinson Morely Wing
Peabody's Rose Centre
Marks and Spencer Ground floor foyer, Grosvenor Wing
Whistlestop Ground floor foyer, Grosvenor Wing

*St George's, University of London students can get 20% off hot food at Ingredient's by showing their student ID cards.

Water dispenser/refilling stations

Locations of water refilling stations at St George's, University of London
Hunter 1 Opposite Michael Heron Lecture Theatre
Hunter 2 Students' Union Bar
Hunter 4 Lift lobby
Hunter 5 Lift lobby
Jenner 1 Corridor 3A
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