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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Mastery workshops explore different specialised skills, covering ways in which you can start or keep a new skill going.

Learn about previous Mastery workshops below.

What medicine can learn from Savile Row: A creative dialogue

Surgeon, GP and Engagement Fellow Prof Roger Kneebone (Imperial) in conversation with Savile Row tailor, Joshua Byrne.

Joshua Byrne in his studio_ October 2021 Extract 2.001

Roger Kneebone (a clinician and academic) and Joshua Byrne (a bespoke tailor) will discuss the concept of ‘bespoke’, examining what it means for their respective worlds. They will describe how their conversations over many years have widened from an initial focus on dexterity and sewing to disclosing unexpected parallels in their approaches to professional work, and a shared understanding of what it means to become expert.

Roger’s book Expert: Understanding the Path to Mastery was published by Penguin Viking in 2020 and in Penguin Paperback in August 2021.

Open Spaces launch event: Understanding the path to mastery: medicine and magic – two kinds of expert close-up live performance

Prof Roger Kneebone (Surgeon, GP, and Wellcome Engagment Fellow) and renowned magician Will Huston.


Open Spaces Presents a Series of Mindfulness Workshops

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This series of three sessions provide a chance to explore mindfulness and its impact on our wellbeing. Western mindfulness practices have transplanted the Buddhist meditative traditions for enlightenment to stress-management purposes in the modern world: we can use these practices regardless of our religious affiliation or orientation to enhance our daily lives, prevent illness, and live and love in more colourful yet balanced ways. This short series of sessions with scholar Amy Spatz, will introduce you to the theories and practices of mindfulness using a range of approaches.  You can attend each workshop on its own but you will gain more from attending all three sessions since practice combined with a sense of community has been found to enhance the benefits mindfulness offers.

Please take some time out for yourself, join us and become part of the St George’s mindfulness community.  Dates and details below. 

Mindfulness Workshop III: Mindful Compassion

Exploring the role of mindfulness in recharging and rejuvenating in dark or difficult times, including an introduction to MBCT and loving kindness meditations including an opportunity to practice and share thoughts with others. 

Mindfulness Workshop I: Inter Relational Mindfulness

The role of mindfulness in relating authentically. This is an introduction to interpersonal mindfulness and its role in increasing agency and maintaining personal boundaries while engaging with others. If you have wondered how in a pandemic we can relate mindfully to each other, this is the introductory workshop for you.  There will be an opportunity to practice and share thoughts with others.

Mindfulness I: What's All the Hype About?

Please join us for a brief discussion about mindfulness and to experience a short meditation with Amy Spatz. Amy is researching the effects of mindfulness and is a Lecturer in Clinical Communication here at SGUL.

Mindfulness I

Introduction to mindfulness: The role of mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) in an uncertain and changing world.  This is an introductory workshop where you will have an opportunity to practice and share thoughts with others.  Fellow practitioner Julia Hutchinson will also join us in the discussion.

Mindfulness II

Mindfulness in conflict and love: The role of mindfulness in recharging and rejuvenating in dark or difficult times, including an introduction to MBCT and loving kindness meditations including an opportunity to practice and share thoughts with others.  Julia Hutchinson, head of counselling at SGUL will also be joining us.

Mindfulness III

Inter-relational mindfulness: The role of mindfulness in relating authentically. This is an introduction to interpersonal mindfulness and its role in increasing agency and maintaining personal boundaries while engaging compassionately. If you have ever wondered how to support your goals in remaining empathic without losing yourself, this is the introductory workshop for you.  There will be an opportunity to practice and share thoughts with others.

Restore: 20 min Mindfulness to Restore Equilibrium

Need a break? Join us for a mindful pause in your day; a chance to reconnect with your mind and body and to restore some equilibrium.

All are welcome! No experience needed, and a quiet place would be helpful.

Watch the Open Spaces launch event

Understanding the path to mastery: medicine and magic – two kinds of expert close-up live performance, with Professor Roger Kneebone and magician Dr Will Huston. 

An Evening with Pets as Therapy 

Facilitators: Global Health Alumnus Jackie Belle and Dave Woodruff 

Pets as therapy (PAT) is a national charity that enhances the health and wellbeing of thousands of people in communities across the UK. At St George’s a team of dogs and their owners regularly visit the hospital to provide animal assisted interventions to patients with a wide range of conditions. The team also provide wellbeing support to staff across the hospital. 

Join us for this talk to hear how the charity connects the volunteers with the hospital, a clinical view on the benefits to patients and a chance to hear from the volunteers (and meet the dogs!).

The Big Read – Author Event with Phil Stamper

Join us for a talk by the author Phil Stamper of the 2023 Big Read novel, The Gravity of Us. This will be a fantastic opportunity to ask Phil questions about the book, his writing processes and what he's working on next. We will begin with introductions, followed by an author-interview with students. Then we will continue with a short reading, followed by an opportunity for your questions.

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Big Read Event - Hello World: The Role of AI in Medical Imaging

AI holds immense potential in healthcare, particularly in tissue-scanning where it outperforms human eyes in anomaly detection. However, public understanding of AI is low, often leading to media-induced uncertainty. 

Facilitated by Dr Christina Malamateniou and Dr Marcus Jackson, explore the importance of effective governance of AI and its potential implementation within healthcare.  

All staff and students welcome! We hope you can join us for some free lunch following the session! 

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