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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Have your say and give feedback to improve your modules!

The Student Online Teaching Survey (SOLTS) invites all students to give feedback on with a taught element throughout their programmes of study.  

SOLTS comprises 10 questions about a module’s content, delivery, and assessment, as well as the effectiveness of individual lecturers. The questions also include free text sections where students can leave more detailed comments about their experiences.

Where can I access the survey?

The survey is delivered at the end of a module or period of study and can be accessed via email invitation or the ‘Teaching Survey’ tab found in the module menu on Canvas.

Reflection Reports

Module leaders receive a report upon survey closure, in which student responses are anonymous. Reflection reports should be sent to students by module leads in which they will reflect on the feedback received and outline actions that have been proposed or already taken.

These actions may also be communicated via various communication channels such as slides, emails, canvas announcements, emails, student newsletters and wider University campaigns.

Are my responses anonymous?

Your responses will be treated as confidential and your anonymity will be protected. The responses shared with module leads and course teams are all anonymous.

The only instance where the anonymitiy of responses would not be maintained is if there is anything offensive or concerning, so we would like to ask of students to ensure they provide constructive and respectful feedback.

Here is an example of what the survey may look like:


If you have any queries, please contact the Student Experience Team via

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