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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

St George’s has its own team of security personnel who provide a 24/7 presence at the main site and at the Halls of Residence. They co-ordinate the security of the building from the Security Control Centre which can be found next to the Hunter Wing reception. St George’s uses a range of security equipment to ensure the safety and security of the buildings and the people inside including CCTV, alarm systems and access control systems.

St George’s is attached to an NHS Trust, and there are a large number of potentially vulnerable people here on the site. We all have to do our best to maintain physical security.

If you require assistance or see something suspicious please contact Security on x0909.

Identity cards

You must wear your identity card at all times on university and hospital premises and your presence on site may be challenged if it is not clearly visible. Please challenge tailgaters and ask them to show you their ID card if the are following you through a door that requires card access.

You’ll be asked to present your ID card when collecting documents or accessing some services at the Student Centre or Media Services. You won’t be able to collect any documents (including results) without your ID, so make sure you have it with you at all times. 

Please report loss or damage to your ID card to the Student Life Centre as soon as possible, so that a replacement can be arranged. 

Security for halls

Horton Halls has a security presence on site 24/7. They co-ordinate the security of halls from the reception desk at the main entrance of the building. They are there to assist with any security issues on site ranging from lost keys, out of hours maintenance issues to noise disturbances.

If you require assistance or spot something suspicious call security on ext. 6002 or 6003.


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