The Chaplaincy is here for everyone. A shared service with the St George’s NHS Foundation Trust, our Chaplaincy are a multi-faith, multi-denominational team who offer spiritual and religious care to students as well as staff, patients and visitors. You certainly do not have to think of yourself as ‘religious’ to make use of the service.
What is spiritual care?
Spiritual care doesn’t have to be religious. Spiritual care is about valuing and respecting who people are, whatever their religion, culture, background, gender or sexuality.
The Chaplaincy team at St George’s have no agenda or tick lists. Instead, they aim to simply be there, to support everyone through both the extraordinary and the ordinary.
We offer:
- support for you
- time and space to explore your thoughts and feelings
- a caring, sensitive and non-judgmental ear
- religious care in response to your individual needs.
The Spiritual Care Centre
As well as the University Multifaith and Quiet Contemplation Room, students also have access to the Spiritual Care Centre in Grosvenor Wing. The Spiritual Care Centre is always open and aims create a space where people feel free to come in, whether for peace and quiet, reflection or prayer.