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At St George’s, we do our best to ensure the academic timetable is sensitive to the needs of students, including in matters of faith. However, with so many major religions represented in our community, that isn’t always possible. When that happens, alternative arrangements can often be made.

Teaching dates and major examination periods are timed to accommodate the requirements of each individual degree programme and you may find that you have an exam or placement scheduled during a particular religious festival or period of religious observance.

If this is the case you should speak to a member of your department, normally your course coordinator, as soon as possible. Your tutor should listen to your situation and discuss potential solutions with you, although it will not always be possible to find a solution.

St George’s encourages students to let us know as far in advance as possible if there will be a clash between a religious festival and an academic activity.

Read our full policy relating to timetabling and religious observance (Word) and exams and religious observance (PDF).


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