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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

St George's are committed to supporting those students who experience financial difficulties during their studies and those who wish to access additional opportunities. We provide hardship funds to help support UK, EU and International students who are in need. We also provide funds to support students who have the opportunity to present at external conferences during their studies, and to those taking part in sport at a high level.

City St George’s Tooting support and hardship funding 2024/25

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Access to Learning Fund

The 2024/25 Access to Learning Fund is open for applications.

This is our hardship fund for home (UK) students registered on a course delivered at the Tooting campus.  The ALF is supported by government funding allocated to Universities and donations from our alumni.

Please refer closely to the guidance notes when completing the application form and collating the supporting evidence.

Alastair Hunter Sports Fund

St George’s students have a strong tradition of combining their studies with sport.

The costs of competing, combined with the high cost of living in London, can act as a barrier to some students taking part.

Each year, students are invited to apply for a prize from the alumni-funded Alastair Hunter Sports Fund.

The Fund exists to help students participating in a sport at a high level, or with the potential to do so, to continue fulfilling their sporting ambitions.

Applications for prizes have closed for 2022-23, but please look out for further information on these pages when applications for 2023-24 open during the Autumn term. 

Students with enquiries can also contact

Conference Presentation Fund

Thanks to the continued support of City St George’s Tooting alumni donors, our 2024/25 Conference Presentation Fund is open for applications.

Students who are registered on a course delivered at the Tooting campus and who have been invited to present their University work or research at an external event can apply for up to £250 to assist with their essential costs.

Please refer closely to the guidance notes when completing the application form and collating the supporting evidence.

Conference Presentation Fund application form (Word)

Conference Presentation Fund guidance notes (PDF)

EU & International Hardship Fund

 Thanks to the continued support of City St George’s Tooting alumni donors, our 2024/25 EU & International Hardship Fund is open for applications.


Students who are registered on a course delivered at the Tooting campus and who are experiencing financial hardship due to unexpected circumstances which are beyond their control are encouraged to apply for support.


Please refer closely to the guidance notes when completing the application form and collating the supporting evidence.


EU & International Hardship Fund application form (Word)

EU and International Hardship Fund guidance notes (PDF)


External sources of support

Charities and funding organisations

Other sources


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