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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

There are several methods of paying your tuition fees and halls fees.

All students


You can make payments by credit/debit card or PayPal using St George’s ePay.

  • If you are the student, go to the student invoice pathway. You will need your student ID (7 digits) and ‘our reference number’ quoted on the invoice.

  • If you are a third party (parent or sponsor), go to the open pathway. You will need the student ID (7 digits) and student date of birth.

Bank transfer

Please include your name and student number as a reference when completing any transfer of money to St George’s. When you have made the payment, please email Accounts Receivable with details of the payment. The payment can then be allocated to your account.

St George’s bank details

Account holder: St George’s Hospital Medical School Receivables

Bank name: Barclays Bank

Sort code: 20 00 00

Account number: 43507025


IBAN: GB74 BARC 2000 0043 5070 25

Don’t forget to use your name and St George’s student number (7 digits) as a reference, and email Accounts Receivable to confirm the payment. If you fail to do this your money will be hard to identify and may not be allocated to the correct account.

International students

The easiest and preferred method of paying fees in euros or other international currency is through TransferMate Education. By using the TransferMate service, you are able to pay at your local bank in your home currency and will be offered a beneficial exchange rate without incurring any bank transfer charges.

Benefits of using TransferMate:

  • a more streamlined payment process

  • no international sender/receiver fees

  • great exchange rates

  • 24-hour customer service from TransferMate

  • 24-hour online tracking of payments

  • bulk payment options.

Step-by-step guide to paying your fees

Step 1 Check your invoice number.

Step 2 Visit the payment website and complete the brief registration form. Click ‘Yes’ to confirm you are ready to pay today and then select ‘Process transaction’.

Step 3 Transfer the funds to the advised bank account.

Step 4 Email with the receipt, a copy of your student passport, and your offer or invoice from St George’s, University of London.

Step 5 Once TransferMate receives your funds and required documents, they will transfer the funds to St George’s and email you confirmation of payment.


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