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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

The Student Life Centre maintains a number of lockers for students to use. Lockers are issued to incoming students during the induction period.

How do I get a locker?

If you're a student of Medicine, Biomedical Science, Clinical Pharmacology, Physician Associate or Health Care Science, you will be allocated a locker before your arrival.

Students in the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education (Physiotherapy, Radiography, Occupational Therapy and Paramedic Science) can get access to one through their course office.

How long can I keep it for?

The courses and cohorts that will have assigned lockers are: 

MBBS Students 

  • MBBS 5 Year 1  
  • MBBS 4 Year 1 
  • MBBS 5 Year 2 
  • MBBS T-Year  

MBBS P-Year and F-Year will not be assigned lockers – there is a system of receiving an assigned locker during placement at St George’s Hospital only. A deposit payment will be required. If you require a locker and are not on placement at SGH, you will be directed to the single use lockers. 

Biomedical Science 

  • Biomedical Science Year 1 
  • Biomedical Science Year 2 

Students in their third year will not be assigned lockers, if you require a locker, you will be directed to the single use lockers. 

Physician Associate 

  • Physician Associate Year 1 

Students in their second year will not be assigned lockers - there is a system of receiving an assigned locker during placement at St George’s Hospital only. A deposit payment will be required. if you require a locker and are not on placement at SGH, you will be directed to the single use lockers.  

Clinical Pharmacology  

  • Clinical Pharmacology Year 1 
  • Clinical Pharmacology Year 3 

Students in their second year will not be assigned lockers, if you require a locker, you will be directed to the single use lockers. 

Does it cost anything?

Lockers are free to use. It will only cost you if you need a replacement key!

Single Use Lockers 

We have approximately 600 ‘gym style’ lockers that you can use when you are on site if you have not been assigned a locker. These are for students who have DR, Labs or Clinical Skills and are located close to these areas. To use these lockers, you will need to bring in a padlock to secure the locker. We do not provide padlocks.  

Please note, these lockers are not to be used as assigned lockers or overnight, padlocks will be cut, and items removed on a frequent basis. 

Placement Lockers

For students who are on placement in St George’s Hospital and have not been assigned a locker, you can choose to use an assigned locker for the duration of your placement period only. 

You will be required to pay a cost of £16 to sign out a locker key, if the key is not returned within 7 days of your placement end date, your deposit will not be returned. 

I’ve lost my locker key. How do I get a new one?

Replacement keys can now only be ordered online. There will be a £16 cost to getting a new key as of July 2023. Please order your replacement key here.

Once your key is ready for collection, you will receive an email from the Student Life Centre. 

Priority Lockers 

If you have a medical condition and have not been assigned a locker, or your locker is not accessible for you, please get in touch with and they will confirm your requirements with us. 

Locker Key Returns 

If you have been assigned a locker, we will be requesting the return of the key at the end of your assigned period. For example, for MBBS, you will receive your key in Year 1, we will request the key back at the end of T-Year. For Biomedical Science, you will receive the key in Year 1, and we will request the key back at the end of Year 2. If you have any further questions about this, please email

I can’t remember where my locker is!

Just drop us an email ( or call on 0203 897 2033 and we can remind you.


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