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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

The Student Life Centre and other student services at St George’s operate under common principles of service. We welcome feedback from students, applicants and other users of our services.

Accessible and visible

Our service should be recognised and trusted by students, be easily accessible and available at times that suit students’ needs.

Professional and knowledgeable

Our centre team should have the skills and knowledge to identify students’ needs. They should have the skills and knowledge either to address those needs or to refer students to alternative sources of help or information.

Effective connections

Links between our service and other student services should be clear from the user’s perspective. Students should be supported in their transition between services.

Availability, quality and delivery

Our services should be targeted at the needs of students. Advice given should abide by the terms of the St George's, University of London student charter, general regulations for students and programmes of study and other regulations and relevant health professional guidelines.


The range of our services should reflect the diversity of students’ needs.


Our services should support students to make their own informed decisions based on their needs and circumstances.


Our services should reflect students’ present needs and where possible anticipate future needs.

Friendly and welcoming

Our centre team should engage with students in an open and courteous manner and actively encourage students to make full use of our services.


Our services should support students by enabling them to access the learning, financial and career opportunities available to them.


Students should be aware of our services that are relevant to them, and have well informed expectations of those services.


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