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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

These rules are issued in accordance with St George’s, University of London General Regulations for Students and Programmes of Study.

Failure by an examination candidate to observe the Rules for Conduct of Candidates in Examinations (including cheating and/or disruption to the examination) shall be an examination offence.

Failure to observe the rules or any instruction from an invigilator or any other alleged examination offence shall be handled in accordance with the Procedure for considering allegations of Assessment Irregularity. Any unauthorised notes or materials may be retained by St George’s, University of London at its discretion.

Arrival and departure

  • Candidates must bring their student ID card to the examination and place it so that it is visible to the invigilators at all times.
  • It is the responsibility of the candidate to know the date, time and place of each of the examinations to be taken as set out in the relevant timetable or admission notice.
  • At written examinations candidates may not leave the examination room for any reason during the first 30 minutes of the examination or the last 20 minutes of the examination.
  • At all other times, any candidate requiring to leave a written examination temporarily should raise their hand to attract the attention of the invigilator. Candidates must leave all stationery and examination materials at their desk. The invigilator may ask the candidate to empty their pockets and the invigilator will accompany the candidate at all times while outside the examination room and the candidate must comply with all instructions given by the invigilator.

Conduct during examinations

  • No candidate may copy from the answers of another, or permit their own answers to be copied, or receive aid from or give assistance to any other candidate during an examination.
  • Candidates may not bring mobile phones, smart glasses, smart watches, earbuds, personal stereos or any other electronic device or device capable of receiving data into the examination room. All electronic devices stored in bags, including mobile phones, pagers and bleeps, must be turned off before entering the examination room.
  • General instructions to be observed during written examinations.
  • Candidates are sent a candidate number prior to the examinations. When admitted to the examination room, candidates should sit at the desk bearing their candidate number.
  • At the end of the examination candidates must remain in their seats until all assessment materials have been collected, and they are informed by the invigilator that they may leave the examination room.
  • No candidate may, under any circumstances, remove from the examination room, or copy or photograph any answer sheet, book or paper, used or unused or distribute or publish the questions to other students or with the wider public.

Remote Examinations

  • Candidates must ensure their location is conducive to sitting an exam, that their internet connection is strong, that their device is fully charged and updated and that they are in a room on their own. If a candidate is unable to guarantee they will be able to sit a remote examination due to their location, technology or internet connection not being sufficiently conducive to sitting an examination, they must contact their exams administrator as soon as possible and no later than 4 weeks before the examination. In such cases, the University may provide a quiet, private location on-site to sit the examination or loan the candidate the necessary technology to complete the assessment.

Disabilities, specific learning difficulties or illness

  • If you have a disability or specific learning difficulty that may require additional arrangements to be made for your examinations, you should contact the Disability Advisor in the Registry at the earliest opportunity. In order for additional arrangements to be made available for exams the Exams Team need to have formal notification of a candidates Statement of Support Needs (SOSN) from the Disability Advisor at least six weeks in advance.

Download the full Code of Conduct for Examinations here (PDF)

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