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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

The University launched a brand-new Hearings by Panel procedure which covers the way in which hearings by panel at SGUL are commissioned and conducted in relation to the following types of cases:

• a hearing about academic integrity matters or related appeal (see Academic Integrity Procedure)

• a disciplinary hearing or related appeal (see Student Disciplinary Procedure)

• a Process Review Panel-  to review the outcome of an academic appeal at stage 1  (see Procedure for Academic Appeals)

• a fitness to study/practise hearing or related appeal (see Fitness to Study/Practise Procedure)

• a complaint about an aspect of learning opportunities or delivery of a service by  the University (see Procedure for concerns and complaints)

The purpose of this is to set out general principles on conducting student panel hearings.

Our SCC Team is responsible for providing guidance to students and staff on the operation of this procedure under the direction of the Director of Governance, Legal and Assurance Services.

Support and advice

The President of Welfare and the Education and Walfare Support Officer are able to meet with students to guide them through the operation of the student procedures and provide general advice and support.

Students and staff with Equality and Inclusion queries should contact Sanjana Panchagnula (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Adviser).

All St George’s students can access an external online support service called Togetherall. This service is available 24/7 and is completely anonymous. They also offer a number of self-guided support courses. More information about Togetherall can be found on the University’s Togetherall webpage and in the following resources:

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