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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Fill in the following form to appeal an academic decision.

Completing this form

Prior to completing this form you should ensure that you have read the Academic Appeals Procedure. You may wish to obtain advice from the Students' Union by emailing or

Please complete all sections and provide documentary evidence to support your application. Failure to do so will likely result in your appeal being delayed or dismissed.

Please note that the University will not consider an academic appeal:

  • where it is against the academic judgement of a Board of Examiners or its members where this has been properly exercised in accordance with its constitution and established procedures
    • academic judgement is the judgement made by a member of staff about a student’s performance in any assessment task (including coursework, essays, assignments, written examinations, reports, OSCEs, vivas and clinical attachments). The judgement derives its authority from the disciplinary, clinical and pedagogic expertise of the staff member exercising that judgement. Academic judgement also encompasses the collective decision of boards of examiners in relation to student progression and achievement.
  • where the substance of the appeal can be shown to relate to a matter that has already been the subject of an academic appeal by that student that is in progress or has been decided
  • where the substantive matter of the appeal has already been, or is currently, the subject of legal proceedings in a court or tribunal unless those proceedings have been put on hold
  • where the evidence put forward to support the appeal can be shown to have been dishonestly acquired or is itself dishonest and/or can be shown to be vexatious (the appeal can be shown to be malicious, or represent a way of harassing the university by consuming the time and resources of its staff or a way of harassing members of staff or other students), the appeal will be dismissed and the evidence submitted to either the Student Disciplinary Procedure, or the Procedure for Consideration of Fitness to Study or Practise.
  • where the marks or grades in question are provisional and have not yet been ratified by a Board of Examiners.
  • Personal details
    Please provide the following details about yourself.
  • Name
  • Are you an international student?


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