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A survey took place to invite Inclusive Education Leads and Admissions Tutors to consider good practice in supporting students at the start of term.

Swift help was seen as important to ensure that students feel supported.

The following areas were identified as good practice in supporting students: 

  • Sunflower Scheme: Promote Hidden disabilities Sunflower scheme with lanyards available from the Students' Union (SU).
  • Wellbeing session:  Host a wellbeing session led by personal tutor
  • Identities: make a conscious effort to know names and pronouns
  • Foster Opportunities to meet the whole team and other year groups e.g., staff and student social over lunch - staff only stay for an hour and then leave to allow students time to get to know each other with food and quiz, icebreakers etc.
  • Technology - Foster a diversity of participation through technologies e.g. Kahoot, Mentimeter, PollEverywhere - see Education technology tools
  • Help & Support services Invite support services (PDF) around SGUL and SU (library, canvas, learning online, Finance Academic Success Centre Study + etc.)
  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI): Embed EDI early on in the curriculum e.g., Allyship and Advocacy Sessions, consent training, reporting mechanisms such as the online reporting tool for cases of bullying and harassment
  • Learning to Learn: Provide clear guidance and introductory sessions to modules, advice on learning to learn,  suggest students meet with personal tutors in first term.
  • Peer to peer safe spaces: Foster peer to peer safe spaces where students can share their views in a non-judgemental way.  This may help students to get to know each other, and feel welcomed and valued. 

If there are any areas you would like to share or need more support on, please get in touch with

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