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"It was fascinating working across the breadth of Medicine in a way that I hadn’t done since I was at Medical School.” 

In December, we shared that our Dean of Kingston University and St George’s, University of London’s Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Professor Andy Kent, had retired after long career in healthcare.  

Read the full interview, in which he reflects on his route in to Medicine and his career path since, here.  

Professor Kent was part of the Graduate Entry Medicine programme (GEP) team during the early years of the programme, working as co-lead of the GEP module for neurosciences and the associated specialities (Psychiatry and Neurology) as well as Module Lead for Psychiatry, Paediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynaecology. In a short recorded interview, Professor Kent spoke about his experience of being part of the team behind this ground-breaking programme and his earliest memories as part of its team.  

Professor Kent says:

“My part in the programme made me aware that with the right support and the right combination of team working, I could achieve much more than I’d ever thought I could achieve. It was a very interesting experience for me to develop a programme that took on Arts graduates as well as Science graduates. It was fascinating working across the breadth of Medicine in a way that I hadn’t done since I was at Medical School.” 

Watch the recording here.  

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