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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

 21 years of GEP

Date: Saturday 21 May 2022
Time: 1.15-6pm
Register here

2021 marked 21 years since our first cohort of students joined the Graduate Entry Medicine (GEP) programme at St George’s.

To celebrate this huge milestone in our ground-breaking programme, we are delighted to share that on Saturday, 21st May, we will be holding an on-site event at St George’s, University of London. As a valued member of this unique community, we would love for you to join us.

The event will take place at St George's, University of London, officially opening at 1.45pm with a panel discussion led by our Principal, Professor Jenny Higham. During this session, one of our current students will be in conversation with several of our alumni and staff about how Graduate Entry Medicine at St George’s has evolved over the years. Read about some of our speakers here. 

Our panel discussion will be followed by an Afternoon Tea and drinks at the Students’ Union bar. This will be a wonderful opportunity for alumni to catch up with friends and some of their old teaching staff, meet new additions to the team and get to know current students. We hope you will also enjoy hearing reflections from some of our original GEP team about the founding of the programme and how it all began 21 years ago.

Alumni and former staff may be interested in joining one of our campus tours to see how the university has grown and changed since their last time here, and there will also be several opportunities for guests to take part in networking activities.

We hope that you will be able to join us!

Alumni and staff: £10
Students: £5
The ticket price includes food and two drinks tokens

Register here.



The Curve Lecture Theatre


Opening panel discussion. Read our speaker bios here.


Afternoon tea and drinks




Students’ Union bar


Time for informal drinks, networking and campus tours


Closing reflections from former and current members of staff


Formal close of event


Bar closes


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