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Graduation 2018: Congratulations to the students from the University of Nicosia Medical School

Published: 16 May 2018

Graduating students received their degrees in front of family, friends and supporters at the fourth Graduation Ceremony of the University of Nicosia Medical School which took place at Strovolos Municipal Theatre on Friday 4 May 2018.

University of Nicosia Medical School
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calendar-icon 16 May 2018

calendar-icon 16 May 2018
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The ceremony was a celebration of the strong partnership between the University of Nicosia Medical School and St George’s, University of London in delivering St George’s medical degrees in Cyprus. 79 graduands were presented with their certificates.

Among the invited guests were Demetris Syllouris, the President of the House of Representatives, Constantinos Ioannou, the Minister of Health, Stephen Lillie, the British High Commissioner, Petros Agathangelou, the President of the Cyprus Medical Association, and representatives of Medical Councils and Societies.

The Rector of Nicosia University and the Executive Dean of the Nicosia Medical School were joined by the Professor Jenny Higham, Principal of St George’s, University of London in awarding the degrees.

Professor Jenny Higham said: “I would like to add my warmest congratulations to all those that are going to be made awards today. It’s a huge achievement and the world needs more doctors – all the hard work has paid off and this award is such a worthwhile accolade.

“You have commenced a path where you can continue to develop and grow. A piece of advice from me? Be a good colleague - that may sound a small thing, but I can assure you it’s not; you are setting out your stall of the type of person you are and developing your long term reputation.”

Professor of General Practice, Sean Hilton, who was a long-standing member of staff at St George’s, was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Science in acknowledgment of his contribution to research, medical training and patient care.

He said: “This is a special day, and I’m delighted to share it with you. Take pride in what you have achieved to date, remember professionalism, as it encompasses the totality of your actions as a doctor, and remember that without patients we have no reason to exist.”

Degrees were given to graduates of MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), alongside graduates from the University of Nicosia’s Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences, Post Graduate Certificate in Healthcare and Biomedical Education, and Master of Science in Family Medicine.

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