Published: 13 December 2023
Elijah Behr, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at St George’s, University of London and Honorary Consultant Cardiologist at St George's Hospital has been awarded Hero of the Year at the British Heart Foundation’s Heart Hero Awards 2023.
Every year the award is honoured to an awe-inspiring individual who has gone above and beyond to make a difference and offer hope to those living with, or at risk of, heart and circulatory diseases.
Professor Elijah Behr’s research, funded by the British Heart Foundation, aims to find a cure for Brugada syndrome, a rare inherited heart condition that can cause sudden death. Motivated by his family’s personal experience of sudden death, Professor Behr’s lifesaving research and compassionate approach has had a profound impact, offering hope to people affected by cardiac conditions.
Having recruited over 1,000 volunteers, Professor Behr and his team are analysing DNA and using high-tech heart scans to help find ways to improve how Brugada syndrome is diagnosed as it is often hidden.
“I feel tremendously honoured to have won the BHF Hero of the Year award. It’s always nice to get recognised, and it’s particularly touching when it’s recognition from patients. It’s recognition from the BHF community. It gives you a tremendous feeling of satisfaction and humility at the same time. So I’m incredibly honoured to have been nominated for it and to have won.”
- Professor Elijah Behr -
Prof Behr was presented his award by singer Ines Rae, whose family has been affected by cardiovascular disease, and 800m athlete Ben Pattison who was treated for Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, a condition that makes the heart suddenly beat abnormally fast.
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