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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Published: 17 February 2025

From the Monday 3 March 2025, the sending (reply-to) email address for all students and staff will change to (name/username) automatically to coincide with the new branding and website launch.

The “name” or “username” part of your email address will remain the same, so for example:

Your legacy institutional email addresses will continue to receive emails, for example:

You will need to continue using your legacy email address to access IT services and systems after 3 March 2025. The table below shows the changes to students' communities:

If you have any questions about the email change that are not answered below, please contact the IT Service Desk at Clerkenwell /Moorgate or the IT Helpdesk at Tooting.

Community Email Login to systems

Existing students with a email address

Sending email address (i.e. your “from” address) will change to

Legacy email address ( will continue to receive emails as well.

Continue to access your systems as you have done previously e.g. using your legacy email address or User ID.

Existing students with a email address

Sending email address (i.e. your “from” address) will change to

Legacy email address ( will continue to receive emails as well.

Continue to access your systems as you have done previously e.g. using your legacy email address or User ID.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Why are external email addresses changing?

All student and staff external email addresses will change on the 3 March 2025 to coincide with the new branding launch and website

Having a uniform email address for all students and staff will help us raise the profile of our new name and brand and ensure consistent communication externally.

All external email sent by staff and students will be sent from (name/username)

What is changing and what is the impact?

From 3 March the sending (reply-to) email address for all staff and students will be changing to (name/username)

This change will occur automatically, and means any emails sent from 3 March will be sent from the new email address [(name/username)]

After the change, you will need to continue to use your legacy email address or user ID to access systems e.g. or

What is not changing?

Will I continue to receive emails to all my legacy email addresses (aliases)?

Yes, if you have more than one email address (email alias) e.g., and you will continue to receive emails to all your incoming email addresses.

What actions do I need to take?

No action is needed to continue sending and receiving emails, the new email address will be applied automatically on 3 March 2025.

Will I receive a new Inbox and see two inboxes in my Outlook, one for my current email address and one for my new email address?

No, you will continue to send and received emails from your existing Inbox and Sent folders.

Will my current or email address stop working after the switch over?

No, the legacy email addresses ( and will continue to receive all emails. The sending email address will be set to your new

Will I be able to access my old emails and mailboxes?

Yes, you will continue to have access to all your current emails and Inbox.

Will I still be able to receive emails to my current or email address?

Yes, emails sent to or will still be received to your Inbox.

Will I be using the new email to login to IT services?

No students will need to continue to use their legacy email addresses or usernames ( and, to access IT services after the 3 March. This will remain in place until our IT systems are fully integrated, which will happen over a longer time.

Will my Username/ID associated with my or change?

No, your user ID or username will remain the same and will not be changing.

What email addresses will be shown when sending emails between campuses?

When sending emails internally to legacy campuses, they will continue to be sent from your legacy email address, for example:

  • Sending emails internally between Clerkenwell and Moorgate, will be sent from
  • Sending emails internally within the Tooting campus, will be sent from

Sending emails from Clerkenwell and Moorgate to Tooting (and vice-versa) is classed as “external” email so these will be sent from (name/username)

What are the changes to Role Accounts (Clerkenwell and Moorgate only)?

Role accounts are similar to individual user accounts with an email address and may be used by the likes of societies. The same changes apply to role accounts and individual student and staff email accounts.

The sending email address (reply-to) for role accounts will also be changing to (name/username)

This change will also happen automatically from the 3 March.

What are the changes to Shared Mailboxes (Tooting only)?

Shared mailboxes are shared email accounts without an assigned user and used mainly at Tooting.

The email address for shared mailboxes will not change and will remain as: [shared mailbox name] when sending emails internally within Tooting or externally.

How do I send emails securely to external recipients?

The legacy email systems ( and are not yet integrated, even though your email address will appear as (name/username) when sending emails externally.

Any email exchanges between Tooting and Clerkenwell/Moorgate campuses must be treated as being sent to an external organisation.

Please share sensitive data securely via other channels: Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive.

If email must be used, please use encryption and password protect attachments and send the password via an alternative channel e.g. Teams.


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