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Angela Kubacki

Reader in Clinical Communication
Dean for Student Conduct and Compliance

I am a Reader in Clinical Communication with 25 years of evidence-based, research-led teaching experience in UK medical education.  I have expertise in leading, developing, coordinating, delivering and evaluating communication skills training to a variety of health care professionals and trainees across undergraduate medical schools and within postgraduate deaneries.

In addition to my work with medical students, I have also developed and facilitated clinical communication sessions for post-graduate surgical trainees, GP trainees, surgical care practitioners, medical and surgical consultants, specialist nurses, radiographers, international doctors and health psychology trainees.  As a Chartered Health Psychologist (Associate Fellow, BPS), I have an interest in health behaviour change and motivational interviewing as a clinical method for working with patients who are contemplating health behaviour change.  I have designed and facilitated workshops on Motivational Interviewing for a variety of healthcare professionals and students.

I am a Registered Practitioner Psychologist with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and Senior Fellow of AdvanceHE (SFHEA).

I began my career as a Communication Skills tutor at University College London Medical School in 2000 and was involved in the development of a new, integrated professional skills curriculum for early years teaching. 

In 2003, I was appointed Lecturer in Clinical Communication at Imperial College London, where I was responsible for leading the development and delivery of the clinical communication curriculum. Whilst at Imperial, I completed a Postgraduate Certificate of Advanced Study in Learning and Teaching and became a Fellow of the Higher Educational Academy. 

In 2007, I was appointed Lecturer in Clinical Communication at St George's, University of London and subsequently achieved promotion to Senior Lecturer in 2015 and to Reader in 2022.  I was awarded Senior Fellowship of Advanced HE in 2020.

I was appointed Admissions Tutor for MBBS5 and Clinical Transfer Students in 2014 at SGUL and held the role of Associate Dean for Admissions from 2016-2022.  In this role,  I ensured consistency and transparency in our selection processes across all undergraduate courses at SGUL and worked with our admissions team to rapidly adapt processes during the covid-19 pandemic to utilise an inclusive, automated MMI technology.  

I was elected to the Medical Schools Council Selection Alliance Board (MSCSA) in 2017 and served as Chair of the MMI Expert Group. I led a national project, funded by the Medical Schools Council (MSC) to facilitate collaboration and good practice in the development of shared multiple mini interview (MMI) stations across UK medical schools. I am a member of the Universities Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) Consortium and have served as a Director on the UCAT Board from 2016-2019. 

I was selected in 2019 to be one of St George's first Public Engagement Champions.  In this role, I am responsible for helping to build an inclusive and effective culture of public and civic engagement at St George's and beyond.  I collaborated on a project to enhance patient involvement in the early years of the medical curriculum and within CCAs.  

I have held numerous staff-student experience and teaching development grants at St George's and supervise student selected projects (SSCT & SSCF) in T and F year which included developing a successful Clinical Communication Skills Peer Tutor Programme. 

I am a Lead Educator and co-creator of two FutureLearn MOOCs (massive open online course):

Developing Clinical Empathy: Making a Difference in Patient Care

Healthcare Selection and Recruitment: Design and Deliver Effective Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs)

In 2022, I was awarded a Visiting Professorship at Trinity College Dublin.  I worked with colleagues in the School of Dental Science to implement an online module to improve empathy in dental students.  I also supported the design and development of a module to increase resilience in students in the undergraduate dental curriculum at Trinity.

I am Head of Clinical Communication and, together with our team of 8 lecturers, lead the development and delivery of core clinical communication skills teaching and assessment for the MBBS curriculum at St George's.

In 2022, I was appointed Dean for Student Conduct and Compliance.  I lead on, and oversea the implementation of, policies and procedures relating to the conduct and professionalism of St George's students, including complaints, discipline and fitness to practise. I work closely with Dr Jane Cronin-Davis, Dean for Student Welfare and Support.

In 2023, together with Ioana Enany, Head of Student Conduct and Compliance, we launched the Academic Integrity Transformation project at St George's.  Our aim is to bring staff and students together to uphold the values and standards of academic integrity in higher education.  To do this, we have developed two new roles, Academic Integrity Officers and Student Academic Integrity Champions. This pilot project will be running as part of an SSPG grant in 2023-24. 



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