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Dr Anissa Chikh

Research Lecturer
Neuroscience & Cell Biology Research Institute

My research intends to understand cellular mechanisms and pathways associated to normal homeostasis and to investigate how these mechanisms become deregulated during disease pathogenesis. In particular, my interest includes working on keratinocyte and epithelial biology such as cell signalling in epidermal proliferation/differentiation with a special regards on transcription factors and modulators involved in inflammation and cancer.

I joined St Georges, University of London in April 2020, as a Research Lecturer in Cell Biology Research Centre at the Molecular & Clinical Sciences Research Institute.  

I have completed my Ph.D in Molecular/Cellular Biology and Biochemistry in an international thesis program, on the following study: “Characterization of p63 target genes: IKK and GATA-3, their regulation during epidermal development.” The project was supervised by Professor Paul Cohen (Laboratoire des Signaux Regulateurs Cellulaire, CNRS, U7631, University of Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, France) and Professor Gerry Melino (Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy). 

During my postdoctoral research (2007-2015) at the Cell Biology & Cutaneous Research, QMUL, I worked with Dr D Bergamaschi to investigate the role of p63, a homolog of p53 in melanoma and defined the mechanisms that lead to apoptosis dysfunction. In parallel, I was interested to establish molecular signalling pathways involved in the epidermal homeostasis, especially to understand the role of inhibitory apoptosis-stimulating of p53 (iASPP) in skin homeostasis via its regulation by p63. I also reported that iASPP acts as an inhibitor of autophagy, in addition to its role in inhibiting apoptosis under physiological and stress conditions 

Then, I was a Senior Research Fellow (2015-2020) at the Cell Biology & Cutaneous Research, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and worked with Prof DP Kelsell. My research focussed on identifying the upstream molecular regulation of iRHOM2/ADAM17 axis and its associated signalling pathways.  

In 2016, I received the Blizard Award for Young Investigator of the Year, QMUL. 

In 2018, I was awarded with the British Society for Investigative Dermatology Young Investigator Award. 

I am currently a member of the European Society for Dermatological Research. 

I am also acting as a reviewer for peer-reviewed journals and grant proposals. 

  • Prof David P Kelsell, Queen Mary University of London, UK 

  • Dr Claudio Raimondi, Queen Mary University of London, UK 

  • Dr Jo Zhou, Radboud University, Netherland 

  • Prof Dot Bennett, SGUL, UK 

  • Dr Elisabetta Groppelli, SGUL, UK 

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