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Dr Atticus Hainsworth

Professor of Cerebrovascular Disease
PI in Stroke & Dementia Research
Neuroscience & Cell Biology Research Institute
Neuroscience & Cell Biology Research Institute

Atticus is a translational neuroscientist. He works on stroke and dementia. His main research interest is in cerebral small vessel disease, which is the main cause of vascular dementia.

Academic Qualifications

1989 PhD Rush Medical Center, Chicago Physiology & Biophysics

1985 BA Hons University of Cambridge Natural Sciences



Previous Appointments

Senior Lecturer in Cerebrovascular Disease, St George’s London 2006 - 2016

Instructor, Harvard Medical School-MGH (Sabbatical) 2002

Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology, De Montfort University, Leicester 1998-2006

Lecturer in Physiology, University of Greenwich 1994-98

Research Assistant, University of Leeds 1993

Wellcome Travelling Fellow, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris 1991-92

Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Oxford 1989-91


Special Awards

Wellcome Trust Travelling Fellowship 1991-1992

Wellcome Trust Career Development Award 1995-1997




The PASTIS trial: Testing tadalafil for possible use in vascular cognitive impairment. Pauls MMH, Binnie LR, Benjamin P, Betteridge S, Clarke B, Dhillon MK, Ghatala R, Hainsworth FAH, Howe FA, Khan U, Kruuse C, Madigan JB, Moynihan B, Patel B, Pereira AC, Rostrup E, Shtaya ABY, Spilling CA, Trippier S, Williams R, Young R, Barrick TR, Isaacs JD, Hainsworth AH. Alzheimers Dement. 2022 Feb 8. doi: 10.1002/alz.12559. Online ahead of print. PMID: 35135037


Vasculocentric Axonal NfH in Small Vessel Disease. Anad A, Barker MK, Katanga JA, Arfanakis K, Bridges LR, Esiri MM, Isaacs JD, Prpar Mihevc S, Pereira AC, Schneider JA, Hainsworth AH. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2022 Feb 24;81(3):182-192. doi: 10.1093/jnen/nlab134. PMID: 35086142 Free PMC article.


Test-retest reliability of arterial spin labelling for cerebral blood flow in older adults with small vessel disease. Binnie LR, Pauls MMH, Benjamin P, Dhillon MK, Betteridge S, Clarke B, Ghatala R, Hainsworth FAH, Howe FA, Khan U, Kruuse C, Madigan JB, Moynihan B, Patel B, Pereira AC, Rostrup E, Shtaya ABY, Spilling CA, Trippier S, Williams R, Isaacs JD, Barrick TR, Hainsworth AH. Transl Stroke Res. 2022 Aug;13(4):583-594. doi: 10.1007/s12975-021-00983-5. Epub 2022 Jan 26. PMID: 35080734 Free PMC article.









Clearance of interstitial fluid (ISF) and CSF (CLIC) group-part of Vascular Professional Interest Area (PIA): Cerebrovascular disease and the failure of elimination of Amyloid-β from the brain and retina with age and Alzheimer's disease-Opportunities for Therapy. Carare RO, Aldea R, Agarwal N, Bacskai BJ, Bechman I, Boche D, Bu G, Bulters D, Clemens A, Counts SE, de Leon M, Eide PK, Fossati S, Greenberg SM, Hamel E, Hawkes CA, Koronyo-Hamaoui M, Hainsworth AH, Holtzman D, Ihara M, Jefferson A, Kalaria RN, Kipps CM, Kanninen KM, Leinonen V, McLaurin J, Miners S, Malm T, Nicoll JAR, Piazza F, Paul G, Rich SM, Saito S, Shih A, Scholtzova H, Snyder H, Snyder P, Thormodsson FR, van Veluw SJ, Weller RO, Werring DJ, Wilcock D, Wilson MR, Zlokovic BV, Verma A. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2020 Aug 3;12(1):e12053. doi: 10.1002/dad2.12053. eCollection 2020. PMID: 32775596 Free PMC article.


UK consensus on pre-clinical vascular cognitive impairment functional outcomes assessment: Questionnaire and workshop proceedings. McFall A, Hietamies TM, Bernard A, Aimable M, Allan SM, Bath PM, Brezzo G, Carare RO, Carswell HV, Clarkson AN, Currie G, Farr TD, Fowler JH, Good M, Hainsworth AH, Hall C, Horsburgh K, Kalaria R, Kehoe P, Lawrence C, Macleod M, McColl BW, McNeilly A, Miller AA, Miners S, Mok V, O'Sullivan M, Platt B, Sena ES, Sharp M, Strangward P, Szymkowiak S, Touyz RM, Trueman RC, White C, McCabe C, Work LM, Quinn TJ. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2020 Jul;40(7):1402-1414. doi: 10.1177/0271678X20910552. Epub 2020 Mar 9. PMID: 32151228 Free PMC article.





White matter hyperintensities in vascular contributions to cognitive impairment and dementia (VCID): Knowledge gaps and opportunities. Alber J, Alladi S, Bae HJ, Barton DA, Beckett LA, Bell JM, Berman SE, Biessels GJ, Black SE, Bos I, Bowman GL, Brai E, Brickman AM, Callahan BL, Corriveau RA, Fossati S, Gottesman RF, Gustafson DR, Hachinski V, Hayden KM, Helman AM, Hughes TM, Isaacs JD, Jefferson AL, Johnson SC, Kapasi A, Kern S, Kwon JC, Kukolja J, Lee A, Lockhart SN, Murray A, Osborn KE, Power MC, Price BR, Rhodius-Meester HFM, Rondeau JA, Rosen AC, Rosene DL, Schneider JA, Scholtzova H, Shaaban CE, Silva NCBS, Snyder HM, Swardfager W, Troen AM, van Veluw SJ, Vemuri P, Wallin A, Wellington C, Wilcock DM, Xie SX, Hainsworth AH. Alzheimers Dement (N Y). 2019 Apr 9;5:107-117. doi: 10.1016/j.trci.2019.02.001. eCollection 2019. PMID: 31011621 Free PMC article. Review.







Small vessels, dementia and chronic diseases - molecular mechanisms and pathophysiology. Horsburgh K, Wardlaw JM, van Agtmael T, Allan SM, Ashford MLJ, Bath PM, Brown R, Berwick J, Cader MZ, Carare RO, Davis JB, Duncombe J, Farr TD, Fowler JH, Goense J, Granata A, Hall CN, Hainsworth AH, Harvey A, Hawkes CA, Joutel A, Kalaria RN, Kehoe PG, Lawrence CB, Lockhart A, Love S, Macleod MR, Macrae IM, Markus HS, McCabe C, McColl BW, Meakin PJ, Miller A, Nedergaard M, O'Sullivan M, Quinn TJ, Rajani R, Saksida LM, Smith C, Smith KJ, Touyz RM, Trueman RC, Wang T, Williams A, Williams SCR, Work LM. Clin Sci (Lond). 2018 Apr 30;132(8):851-868. doi: 10.1042/CS20171620. Print 2018 Apr 30. PMID: 29712883 Free PMC article.











Post-mortem assessment in vascular dementia: advances and aspirations. McAleese KE, Alafuzoff I, Charidimou A, De Reuck J, Grinberg LT, Hainsworth AH, Hortobagyi T, Ince P, Jellinger K, Gao J, Kalaria RN, Kovacs GG, Kövari E, Love S, Popovic M, Skrobot O, Taipa R, Thal DR, Werring D, Wharton SB, Attems J. BMC Med. 2016 Aug 26;14(1):129. doi: 10.1186/s12916-016-0676-5. PMID: 27600683 Free PMC article. Review.









An MRI-histological study of white matter in stroke-free SHRSP. Brittain JF, McCabe C, Khatun H, Kaushal N, Bridges LR, Holmes WM, Barrick TR, Graham D, Dominiczak AF, Mhairi Macrae I, Hainsworth AH. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2013 May;33(5):760-3. doi: 10.1038/jcbfm.2013.14. Epub 2013 Feb 13. PMID: 23403376 Free PMC article.












Recent Grant income

BHF Project Grant, PG/20/10397 “A transgenic pig model for ET1-mediated vascular disease”. £203,000. 02/08/2021-01/05/2024. PI: AH Hainsworth. Co-applicants: DN Meijles, JD Isaacs, SG Lillico, CB Whitelaw (Roslin-Edinburgh), SG Williams (Kings-IoP), C Berry (Glasgow).

MRC Programme. Dementias Platform UK - an infrastructure for digital science and experimental medicine. 1/1/2021-31/12/2025. £11 million. PI: J Gallacher (Oxford). Co-PI: AH Hainsworth

MRC Project Grant MR/R005567/1. Pathomolecular mechanisms of intracerebral haemorrhage: functional analysis of collagen IV variants 2018-2021 £875,000. Duration of grant 41 months. PI: T Van Agtmael (Glasgow); Co-PI: AH Hainsworth

Alzheimers Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF)-Alzheimer’s Society (UK) joint funding. Repurposing of the PDE5 inhibitor tadalafil for vascular cognitive impairment. A test of concept in elderly people. Grant Ref. 20140901. $464,992. Feb 2015 - Sept 2020. PI: AH Hainsworth. Co-applicants: J Isaacs, J Madigan, TR Barrick, C Kruuse (Copenhagen).

Alzheimer's Research UK. Super resolution microscopy in human brain white matter. ARUK-PPG2014A-8. £29,420. May 2014 – Dec 2015. PI: AH Hainsworth. Co-applicant: A Knight (National Physical Laboratory, Teddington).

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