Academic Qualifications
1989 PhD Rush Medical Center, Chicago Physiology & Biophysics
1985 BA Hons University of Cambridge Natural Sciences
Previous Appointments
Senior Lecturer in Cerebrovascular Disease, St George’s London 2006 - 2016
Instructor, Harvard Medical School-MGH (Sabbatical) 2002
Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology, De Montfort University, Leicester 1998-2006
Lecturer in Physiology, University of Greenwich 1994-98
Research Assistant, University of Leeds 1993
Wellcome Travelling Fellow, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris 1991-92
Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Oxford 1989-91
Special Awards
Wellcome Trust Travelling Fellowship 1991-1992
Wellcome Trust Career Development Award 1995-1997
Recent Grant income
BHF Project Grant, PG/20/10397 “A transgenic pig model for ET1-mediated vascular disease”. £203,000. 02/08/2021-01/05/2024. PI: AH Hainsworth. Co-applicants: DN Meijles, JD Isaacs, SG Lillico, CB Whitelaw (Roslin-Edinburgh), SG Williams (Kings-IoP), C Berry (Glasgow).
MRC Programme. Dementias Platform UK - an infrastructure for digital science and experimental medicine. 1/1/2021-31/12/2025. £11 million. PI: J Gallacher (Oxford). Co-PI: AH Hainsworth
MRC Project Grant MR/R005567/1. Pathomolecular mechanisms of intracerebral haemorrhage: functional analysis of collagen IV variants 2018-2021 £875,000. Duration of grant 41 months. PI: T Van Agtmael (Glasgow); Co-PI: AH Hainsworth
Alzheimers Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF)-Alzheimer’s Society (UK) joint funding. Repurposing of the PDE5 inhibitor tadalafil for vascular cognitive impairment. A test of concept in elderly people. Grant Ref. 20140901. $464,992. Feb 2015 - Sept 2020. PI: AH Hainsworth. Co-applicants: J Isaacs, J Madigan, TR Barrick, C Kruuse (Copenhagen).
Alzheimer's Research UK. Super resolution microscopy in human brain white matter. ARUK-PPG2014A-8. £29,420. May 2014 – Dec 2015. PI: AH Hainsworth. Co-applicant: A Knight (National Physical Laboratory, Teddington).