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Dr Ayesha Ahmad

Reader in Global Health Humanities
I have an interest in conflict and mental health.

Dr Ahmad holds a PhD in medical ethics and works to integrate ethics and the humanities into global health research and pedagogy. 

Her research expertise is in transcultural psychiatry and cross-cultural mental health. She particularly work in contexts of conflict and humanitarian crisis resulting from disasters including environmental change. Dr Ahmad develops trauma therapeutic interventions using traditional storytelling and has an ongoing research project in Kashmir (India) and Turkey, in collaboration with Afghanistan, Tunisia, and South Africa; 

Dr Ahmad's specialisation is in psychological trauma and the ethical consequences of concepts that are used in mental health. She has developed both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in culture and mental health.

In her work, Dr Ahmad critically explores the notion of land trauma, as it is juxtaposed with a medicalised and biomedical paradigm of a temporal understanding of post-traumatic stress disorder.

At St Georges University of London, Dr Ahmad has established as Global Health Humanities Hub to bring together scholars and students using humanities-based methodologies to approach and respond to global health inequities and injustice. 

Dr Ahmad also works as an Expert Witness providing academic reports on asylum seeker cases related to war, mental health, and gender-based violence. 


Mannell, J., Ahmad, L., Grewal, G., and Ahmad, A. 2020. ‘A Qualitative Study of Women’s Lived Experiences of Conflict and Domestic Violence in Afghanistan’. Violence Against Women.

Ahmad, A., Chung, R., Eckenwiler, L., Ganguli-Mitra, A., Hunt, M., Richards, R., Saghai, Y., Schwartz, L., Scully, J.L. and Wild, V., 2020. What does it mean to be made vulnerable in the era of COVID-19?. The Lancet, 395(10235), pp.1481-1482.

Ahmad, A., 2019. Storytelling for trauma and the global health humanities. Innovations in Global Health Professions Education, 1(1).

Ahmad, A., Mueller, C. and Tsamakis, K., 2020. Covid-19 pandemic: a public and global mental health opportunity for social transformation?. BMJ369.

Ahmad, A., 2019. The trauma of a woman's words of war. The Lancet Public Health, 4(10), p.e491. Ahmad, A., 2018. Inter-culturality and Cultural Competence. In Global Education in Bioethics (pp. 81-94). Springer, Cha.

Ahmad, A., 2018. Conceptualizing disasters from a gender perspective. In Disasters: Core concepts and ethical theories(pp. 105-117). Springer, Cham.

Eckenwiler, L., Ahmad, A., Chung, R., Hunt, M., Scully, J.L., Schwarz, L. and Wild, N., 2017. Vulnerable Populations: Investigating Ethical Implications for Policies and Practices of International Humanitarian Organizations. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 32(S1), pp.S49-S50.

Eckenwiler, L., Hunt, M., Ahmad, A., Calain, P., Dawson, A., Goodin, R., Messelken, D., Rubenstein, L. and Wild, V., 2015. Counterterrorism policies and practices: health and values at stake.

Clarinval, C. and Ahmad, A., 2015. Conceptualising Phases of Disasters: The Drop Loop Model. Asian Bioethics Review, 7(1), pp.81-97.

Ahmad, A., 2019. Conceptualising trauma in women with long term health needs from violence. BMJ, 367.

Abubakar, I., Aldridge, R.W., Devakumar, D., Orcutt, M., Burns, R., Barreto, M.L., Dhavan, P., Fouad, F.M., Groce, N., Guo, Y. and Hargreaves, S., 2018. The UCL–Lancet Commission on Migration and Health: the health of a world on the move. The Lancet, 392(10164), pp.2606-2654.

Ahmad, A., 2019. Taking on the Taliban: Ethical issues at the frontline of academia. Bioethics, 33(8), pp.908-913.

Benziman, G., Kannai, R. and Ahmad, A., 2012. The wounded healer as cultural archetype. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 14(1), p.11.

Ahmad, A., 2014. do motives matter in male circumcision? ‘Conscientious Objection’ against the circumcision of a Muslim child with a blood disorder. Bioethics, 28(2), pp.67-75.

Ahmad, A., 2014. Cultural explanations and clinical ethics: active euthanasia in neonatology. Journal of medical ethics, 40(3), pp.192-192.

Ahmad, A., Lysaght, T., Jianjun, L., Subramaniam, M., Beng, T.S. and Capps, B., 2012. Understanding risk: psychosis and genomics research in Singapore. Genomics, Society and Policy, 8(2), p.15.

Ahmad, A., 2019. Conflicts of Child Marriage in Conflict: Who’s story is heard?.


Ahmad, A, and Smith, J. (2018). 'Humanitarian Action and Ethics'. Zed Publishers, London, U.K.


Forthcoming 2020: ‘Religion and Health Justice’, Paivansalo, V., Ahmad, A., Stenlund, M., and Zachariah, G. Fortress Press.

Other Publications – media and blogs support-and-recognition




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