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We are now part of City St George's, University of London. This website contains information relating to our Tooting campus. Please visit our new website to learn more about what we offer across all our campuses.

Chandini Kumari-Webster

Lecturer in Radiotherapy & Oncology
Teaching topics are Treatment Planning ,Principles of Radiotherapy, and Imaging.
Centre for Allied Health

I am a Senior Lecturer for the Radiotherapy & Oncology Bsc Programme in the Centre for Allied Health at St George’s University of London. My role involves teaching across all modules particularly focusing on Treatment Planning ,Principles of Radiotherapy, and the application of Imaging in Radiotherapy,

I am also the careers lead for the course and the Universities and Educational representative for the Society and College of Radiographers’ London committee. Radiotherapy is a rapidly advancing field, consequently the profession offers many opportunities for career development into specialists, advanced practitioners and consultant radiographers. It is my role to enable students to benefit from the many opportunities a rewarding career in Radiotherapy has to offer, both in the UK and abroad.

Throughout my clinical career, I worked for the NHS in a variety of positions, treatment, planning and pre-treatment. I have had the opportunity to work as a clinical educator as well as on projects to implement the latest developments in radiotherapy to clinical departments. As a teacher and allied health professional I have a focus on communication, interprofessional working, professionalism and equality and diversity within healthcare.

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