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Professor Clive Robinson

Professor of Respiratory Cell Science


Clive Robinson is Professor of Respiratory Cell Science in the Institute for Infection and Immunity at St George’s, University of London.

Clive’s research has focused on the molecular basis of allergenicity and the role of innate defence mechanisms of the airway mucosa in the pathogenesis of airways disease.  This research theme led to discoveries which form the basis of an unprecedented therapeutic approach to asthma and other allergic conditions using drugs called ‘Allergen Delivery Inhibitors’.  Work on this therapeutic approach has been supported by the Seeding Drug Discovery Initiative and other translational funding from the Wellcome Trust.  A clinical candidate arising from this ambitious programme has been identified for clinical development for allergic asthma and atopic dermatitis.  

Professor Robinson is a member of the British Pharmacological Society, the American Chemical Society and the American Thoracic Society.  He is a past recipient of the Pfizer Prize for Biology for his work on inflammatory mechanisms in the airways.  He currently sits on the scientific committee of the Lung Institute of Western Australia.  In addition to research publications in leading journals and contributions to major text books, Professor Robinson is inventor on more than 50 granted patents.

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