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Dr Dagan Lonsdale

Reader in Clinical Pharmacology and Intensive Care Medicine
Research, education and clinical practice in clinical pharmacology and intensive care medicine

Dr Lonsdale is a reader in clinical pharmacology and intensive care medicine. His role combines work in education, research and clinical practice.


Dr Lonsdale is the pharmacometrics and pharmacokinetics lead for the undergraduate BSc in Clinical Pharmacology. This work includes education in quantitative pharmacology using R, nlmixr2 and NONMEM. 


Dr Lonsdale's research interests are in drug pharmacokinetics in critical illness. He has a long-standing collaboration with Professor Joe Standing at UCL. Ongoing projects include understanding exposure-response relationships for antibiotics and understanding drug dosing during continuous renal replacement. He is the UK co-lead with Professor Ostermann (St Thomas') for DALI-2, a point prevalence antimicrobial pharmacokinetic study.

He is the co-lead for Governance and Research for the South West London Critical Care Research network and is deputy lead for research in St George's intensive care department where he is the principal investigator for a number of NIHR sponsored clinical studies (UKROX, CandiRes, EXAKT).


Clinically, Dr Lonsdale is a consultant intensive care physician working in St George's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. His clinical training was undertaken at St George's, Guy's and St Thomas' and The Royal Brisbane and Women's hospital, Australia. 

External roles

He is external examiner at the university of Liverpool (MBBS) and Imperial college London (MRes Translational medicine). He is the pharmacology editor for anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (Elsevier). In 2024 he was appointed as an expert committee member for the NICE antimicrobials evaluation committee. 

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