A complete list of publications can be found at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Cavodeassi
Selected primary research publications
Cortés-González V, Rodriguez-Morales M, Ataliotis P, Mayer C, Plaisancié J, Chassaing N, Lee H, Rozet JM, Cavodeassi F*, Fares Taie L* (2024). Homozygosity for a hypomorphic mutation in frizzled class receptor 5 causes syndromic ocular coloboma with microcornea in humans. Hum Genet. vol. 143, 1509-1521. doi: 10.1007/s00439-024-02712-y. *Corresponding author.
Powell GT, Faro A, Zhao Y, Stickney H, Novellasdemunt L, Henriques P, Gestri G, Redhouse White E, Ren J, Lu W, Young RM, Hawkins TA, Cavodeassi F, Schwarz Q, Dreosti E, Raible DW, Li VSW, Wright GJ, Jones EY, Wilson SW (2024). Cachd1 interacts with Wnt receptors and regulates neuronal asymmetry in the zebrafish brain. Science, vol. 384(6695):573-579. doi: 10.1126/science.ade6970.
Hernández-Bejarano M, Gestri G*, Monfries C, Tucker L, Dragomir EI, Bianco IH, Bovolenta P, Wilson SW and Cavodeassi F* (2022). Foxd1 dependent induction of a temporal retinal character is required for visual function. Development, vol. 149, dev200938 doi: https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.200938. *Corresponding author.
Moreno-Mármol T, Ledesma-Terrón M, Tabanera N, Martin-Bermejo MJ, Cardozo MJ, Cavodeassi F and Bovolenta P (2021). Stretching of the retinal pigment epithelium contributes to zebrafish optic cup morphogenesis. eLife, vol. 10, e63396.
Young RM, Cavodeassi F, Hawkins TA, Stickney HL, Schwartz QP, Lawrence LM, Wierzbicki C, Gestri G, Ambrosio EM, Klosner A, Rowell J, Bianco IH, Allende ML and Wilson SW (2019). Compensatory mechanisms render Tcf7l1a dispensable for eye formation despite its requirement in eye field specification. eLife, vol. 8, e40093.
Hernández-Bejarano M, Gestri G, Spawls L, Nieto-López F, Picker A, Tada M, Brand M, Bovolenta P, Wilson SW*, and Cavodeassi F* (2015). Opposing Shh and Fgf signals initiate nasotemporal patterning of the retina. Development, vol. 142, pgs 3933-3942. *Corresponding author.
Cavodeassi F*, Ivanovitch K and Wilson SW* (2013). Eph/Ephrin signalling maintains the segregation of eye field cells from adjacent neural plate territories during forebrain morphogenesis. Development, vol. 140, pgs 4193-4202. *Corresponding author.
Ivanovitch K, Cavodeassi F* and Wilson SW* (2013). Precocious acquisition of neuroepithelial character in the eye field underlies the onset of eye morphogenesis. Developmental Cell, vol. 27, pgs 293-305. *Corresponding author.
Selected review articles and book chapters
Florencia Cavodeassi and Steve Wilson (2019). Looking to the future of zebrafish as amodel to understand the genetic basis of eye disease. Hum Genet doi: 10.1007/s00439-019-02055-z
Tania Moreno-Mármol, Florencia Cavodeassi and Paola Bovolenta (2018). Setting eyes on the retinal pigment epithelium. Front Cell Dev Biol, vol. 6, 145. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2018.00145
Florencia Cavodeassi, Sophie Creuzet and Heather C. Etchevers (2018). The Hedgehog pathway and ocular developmental anomalies. Hum Genet doi: 10.1007/s00439-018-1918-8
Florencia Cavodeassi (2018). Dynamic tissue rearrangements during eye morphogenesis: insights from fish models. J. Dev. Biol., vol. 6(1). pii: E4. http://www.mdpi.com/2221-3759/6/1/4
Juan-Ramón Martínez-Morales, Florencia Cavodeassi and Paola Bovolenta (2017). Coordinated morphogenetic mechanisms shape the vertebrate eye. Front. Neurosci., vol. 11, 721.
Florencia Cavodeassi, Tania Moreno-Mármol, María Hernández-Bejarano and Paola Bovolenta (2016). “Principles of vertebrate early forebrain formation”. In: Organogenetic Gene Networks. (expected publication date September 2016)
Florencia Cavodeassi, Raquel Marco-Ferreres, Ivan Conte and Paola Bovolenta (2016). “Eye: Embryology and Early Patterning”. In: Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, Oxford, Elsevier Ltd.
Florencia Cavodeassi, Marika Kapsimali, Stephen W. Wilson and Rodrigo M. Young (2009). “Forebrain: Early Development”. In: Squire, L.R. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, vol. 4, pgs 321-325 Oxford, Academic Press. (Updated in 2015 for inclusion in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, Oxford, Elsevier Ltd.).
The team:
Dr. Clinton Monfries, Honorary Research Fellow.
Mr. Jack Nicholls, Fight for Sight PhD student 2024-2028
Miss Marina Adjei, MSci student 2024-2025
The group hosts on a regular basis undergraduate and MSc postgraduate students.
Dr Daniel Osborn (St. George's, University of London, UK)
Dr Alan Pittman (St. George's, University of London, UK)
Prof. Stephen W. Wilson (University College London, UK)
Dr. Isaac H Bianco (University College London, UK)
Dr. Rodrigo M Young (UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, London, UK)
Dr. Lucas Fares-Taie (Imagine Institute of Genetic Diseases, Paris, France)
Prof. Paola Bovolenta (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)