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Professor Francesca Morgante

Professor of Neurology Eleanor Peel Chair
My research is focused on understanding the neural mechanisms of Movement Disorders
Neuroscience & Cell Biology Research Institute

Francesca Morgante is Professor of Neurology and Eleonor Peel Chair for the study of Ageing at St. George’s University of London. 

She is honorary consultant neurologist at St George’s University Hospital London, where she leads the Advanced Movement Disorders Therapies Team. 

At SGUL, she is the lead of the Movement Disorders research team and co-lead the Neuromodulation research group with Mr Erlick Pereira.

Her research focuses on people with Movement Disorders (Parkinson’s disease, Tremor Syndromes, Dystonia. She is interested in understanding the neural mechanisms of Movement Disorders and translating this knowledge to develop novel invasive and non-invasive neuromodulation treatments for these conditions. 

She has published more than 180 papers on peer-reviewed journals and many chapters in books focusing on Movement Disorders. She is one of the Associate Editors of Movement Disorders Journal and she is in the editorial board of Movement Disorders, Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, European Journal of Neurology and Journal of Neurology.

Link to Prof Morgante's publication FRANCESCA MORGANTE (0000-0002-9834-3639) - My ORCID

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