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Dr Hubert Van Griensven

Lecturer in Multiprofessional Education
Lecturer in Allied Health with an interest in persistent pain
Centre for Allied Health

I am a physiotherapist and acupuncturist with an interest in persistent pain. I completed my BSc in physiotherapy in the Netherlands in 1988 and moved to the UK in 1990. Since then I have completed a three-year course in Chinese acupuncture, and MSc in pain and a PhD. For many years my interest has been persistent pain, especially the application of the neurophysiology of pain in clinical practice, about which I have published extensively. I have worked in academia since 2016 and I continue to work in a private practice in London. Outside work I enjoy Chinese exercise, working with sound and music, and going out in London.


2023 van Griensven H, Strong J (editors) “Pain. A textbook for health professionals”, 3rd ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2013 van Griensven H, Strong J, Unruh A (editors) “Pain. A textbook for health professionals”, 2nd ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2005 van Griensven H “Pain in Practice. Theory and strategies for manual therapists”. Butterworth Heinemann, Edinburgh.

Book chapters

2024 van Griensven H, “Mixed methods research”. “In: Falla D et al. (editors) “Grieve’s modern musculoskeletal physiotherapy”, 5th ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2023 van Griensven H, “Understanding and managing persistent pain”. In: Barnard K & Ryder D (editors) “Principles of musculoskeletal treatment and management”, 4rd ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2023 van Griensven H, Ryder D, “Subjective examination”. In: Ryder D & Barnard K (editors) “Musculoskeletal examination and assessment”, 6th ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2023 Ryder D, van Griensven H, “Physical examination”. In: Ryder D & Barnard K (editors) “Musculoskeletal examination and assessment”, 6th ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2023 van Griensven H, Trendafilova T “Neurophysiology of pain”. In: van Griensven H, Strong J, Unruh A (editors) “Pain. A textbook for health professionals”, 3rd ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2023 Cook NU, van Griensven H, Jesson T “Neuropathic pain and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome – assessment and management”. In: van Griensven H, Strong J, Unruh A (editors) “Pain. A textbook for health professionals”, 3rd ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2023 Strong J, van Griensven H “Assessing pain”. In: van Griensven H, Strong J, Unruh A (editors) “Pain. A textbook for health professionals”, 2nd ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2022 Scott M, van Griensven H, “T’ai Chi in shoulder rehabilitation”. In: Lewis & Fernandez-de-las-Penas (editors) “The shoulder: theory and practice”. Handspring, Edinburgh.

2017 van Griensven H, “Physical therapy and pain in the rehabilitation patient”. In: Carayanopoulos A (editor) “Comprehensive pain management in the rehabilitation patient”. Springer International Publishing.

2017 van Griensven H, “Understanding and managing persistent pain”. In: Petty N & Barnard K (editors) “Principles of musculoskeletal treatment and management”, 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2017 van Griensven H, Ryder D, “Subjective examination”. In: Petty N & Ryder D (editors) “Musculoskeletal examination and assessment”, 5th ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2017 Ryder D, van Griensven H, “Physical examination”. In: Petty N & Ryder D (editors) “Musculoskeletal examination and assessment”, 5th ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2015 van Griensven H, “The subjective pain experience”. In: Jull G et al. (editors) “Grieve’s modern musculoskeletal physiotherapy”, 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh

2015 van Griensven H, Petty N, Daneels, L “Approaches to research”. In: Jull G et al. (editors) “Grieve’s modern musculoskeletal physiotherapy”, 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2013 Unruh, A, Strong, J, van Griensven H “Introduction to pain”. In: van Griensven H, Strong J, Unruh A (editors) “Pain. A textbook for health professionals”, 2nd ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2013 van Griensven H “Neurophysiology of pain”. In: van Griensven H, Strong J, Unruh A (editors) “Pain. A textbook for health professionals”, 2nd ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2013 Cook NU, van Griensven H “Neuropathic pain and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome – assessment and management”. In: van Griensven H, Strong J, Unruh A (editors) “Pain. A textbook for health professionals”, 2nd ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.

2013 Strong J, van Griensven H “Assessing pain”. In: van Griensven H, Strong J, Unruh A (editors) “Pain. A textbook for health professionals”, 2nd ed. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.


2022 Lo C, van Griensven H, Lewis J, “Rotator cuff related shoulder pain: An update of potential pathoaetiological factors”. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy 50(2): 82-93.

2020 van Griensven H, Schmid A, Trendafilova T, Low M, “Central sensitisation in musculoskeletal pain: lost in translation?”. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 50(11):592-6.

2020 van Griensven H, Lewis J, Herbland A, “Features of central sensitisation in patients with shoulder pain – A feasibility study”. Pain and Rehabilitation 48:23-29.

2016 van Griensven H, “Patients' experiences of living with persistent back pain” International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 19:44-9.

2016 van Griensven H, Moore A, Hall V, “The long term impact of caesarean section scar problems on the individual and associated healthcare needs” Journal of Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy 118:14-30.

Reprinted in International Organization of Physical Therapists in Women’s Health Newsletter, August 2016:7-24.

2015 van Griensven H, “When pain goes weird: central sensitisation and its implications for physiotherapy practice” In Touch 152(autumn):14-9.

2014 van Griensven H, Moore A, Hall V, “Mixed methods research – the best of both worlds?” Manual Therapy 19(5):367–71.

2010 van Griensven H, “Long term pain following caesarean section”. Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women’s Health, Spring 2010.

2007 van Griensven H “Consultant Physiotherapists – What’s in a name?”. Article written at the request of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Primary Care Today, April 2007.

2007 van Griensven H “The physiotherapist as healer”. Back Care, June 2007.

1995 van Griensven H “Dr Drum”, series of three articles about drumming-related injuries, UK percussion magazine Rhythm.


2013 van Griensven H “The impact of caesarean section scar problems and the individual’s perception of associated health care needs”, PhD thesis housed at University of Brighton and British Lending Library.

Book reviews

2021 van Griensven H “Scars, Adhesions and the Biotensegral Body edited by Jan Trewartha and Sharon Wheeler.” International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine

2016 van Griensven H “Traumatic Scar Tissue Management: Massage therapy principles, practice and protocols by Nancy Keeney Smith and Catherine Ryan.” International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 21:62-3.

2014 van Griensven H “The concise book of acupoints by John Cross.” Physical Therapy Reviews 19(4):290.

Conference presentations

2023 Summers C, van Griensven H, “How do physiotherapists explain persistent pain? A constructivist grounded theory”, scientific poster at the World Physiotherapy Congress, Dubai.

2016 van Griensven H, “Understanding pain and pain assessment”, London, British School of Osteopathy 19 November 2016.

2015 van Griensven H, “Physiotherapy - strategies for chronic pain”, London Pain Forum, King’s College London, 18 September 2015.

2015 Petty N, van Griensven H, “Qualitative research”. Lecture and workshop at the launch of the CAHPR Essex Hub, University of Essex, 14 May 2015.

2014 van Griensven H, “Spinal pain – setting the scene”, keynote lecture at symposium “Perspectives of spinal pain management”, Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 28 June 2014.

2014 van Griensven H, Wong W, “StarTBack”, presentation at symposium “Perspectives of spinal pain management”, Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 28 June 2014.

2013 van Griensven H, “The patient’s pain experience”, presentation to the East Anglia Rheumatology Society, Newmarket 13 December 2013.

2013 van Griensven H, “ ‘You should see mine – mine’s worse’. Women’s information needs in relation to their caesarean section scars”, presentation at the Southend University Hospital NSH Foundation Trust Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Rayleigh 15 May 2013.

2012 van Griensven H, Wong W, “Research and the Spinal Pain Pathway”, presentation at the Essex Rheumatology Association/Comprehensive Local Research Network Research meeting “Developing Healthcare Through Research”, Chelmsford 03 October 2012.

2011 van Griensven H “The long term impact of caesarean scar problems on the individual, and associated needs for healthcare and information”, presentation at the Annual Research Day of the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Regional Paediatric & Neonatal Research Network, and the Reproductive Health & Childbirth Local Speciality Group, Brighton 02 September 2011.

2010 van Griensven H “Persistent scar problems following caesarean section”, poster presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Pain Society, Manchester 13-16 April 2010.

2009 Van Griensven H “Persistent pain and other scar problems following caesarean section”, presentation at the conference of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women’s Health, Bournemouth 10 October 2009.

2009 van Griensven H “Persistent scar problems following caesarean section”, presentation at the British Pain Society’s Ethics and Philosophy Special Interest Group Annual Meeting, “Consent and deceit in pain medicine”, Cumbria 02 July 2009.

2009 van Griensven H, Schofield M, “Undergraduate pain education in the UK”, workshop presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Pain Society, Liverpool 18 April 2009.

2009 van Griensven H “Patient experience and research”, presentation at the Research Interest Group meeting of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, London 10 March 2009.

2006 van Griensven H “The physiotherapist as healer”, presentation at the British Pain Society’s Ethics and Philosophy Special Interest Group Annual Meeting “Medicine – the healing art”, Leicester 26 June 2006.

2003 van Griensven H “Sensory perception thresholds of the lower back”, poster presentation of MSc dissertation study at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Pain Society, Glasgow 1-4 April 2003.

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