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Dr Imran Rafi

Reader in Primary Care and Genomics
I am involved in education, research and innovation, genomics and primary care

I have until recently been in practice since 1998.  I have been Chair / Joint Medical Director of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Clinical Innovation and Research between 2009-2018. This covered overseeing quality improvement, research and managing clinical priority projects. The highlight was working with passionate driven champions relevant to the work we do in General Practice.

I have a long held interest in genetics relevant to General Practice. I completed a Master of Studies(MSt) in Genomics, University of Cambridge 2017 and this has led onto representative roles where a provide a GP voice in the context of genomics.  have lectured on genetics and genomics relevant to General Practice. This has included presenting to the RCGP Annual Conference and the Masters Program on the pharmacogenomics module University of Cambridge. By highlighting the relevancy of genomics to day to day practice we can work best with our patients who may be concerned about their own risks or those of their family.

Joint Clinical Champion Genomics RCGP and the genomics partnership group of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges. 

Trustee Board Member, Royal College of General Practitioners

Previous Nationally Elected  to RCGP Council

RCGP Foundation Council award for meritorious work

Previous Chair/Medical Director. RCGP Clinical Innovation and Research Centre (CIRC), 

Previous RCGP Clinical Champion for Rare Diseases 

Previous RCGP Honorary Secretary RCGP Scientific Foundation Board


2022-24  Principal Investigator Health Ageing Pharamacogenomics and Polypharamacy (HAPPY)Funded by INNOVATE UK and Congenica.

2020 NIHR Funded programme grants for applied research review. Integrating genetic testing into the prostate cancer pathway to more precisely guide care, treatment and accelerate clinical trials. £2,766,939.0. Lead Professor Ros Eeles – Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust.

2020 The 90S STUDY: Investigation of the Role of Whole Genome Sequencing in General Practice Screening.  Lead Professor Ros Eeles

2020 GP primary panel lead CANVAR (CRUK catalyst award £4.2 million, lead Professor C Turnbull)

2016 University of Nottingham. A survey of GPs with regard to their educational needs around genomics. Working group member. Lead Professor Nadeem Quereshi. Funded by HEE


2016 CanRisk. University of Cambridge. A study looking at how genomics will be used to predict for disease. GP Participant (£5M). Lead Dr Fiona Walter.


2016/17. Pharmacogenetics, A Road Map: Implementing Pharmacogenetics in General Practice. Barriers, challenges and opportunities. (MSt dissertation)) Supervisors/advisers, Dr F Walter (University of Cambridge), Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed, Professor Martin Dawes (University of British Columbia).



2015-19 BARCODE (Feasibility and BARCODE 1)Study. Assessing the use of prostate cancer genomics for risk assessment in relation to prostate cancer. GP Practice lead. Institute for Cancer Research. Lead Professor Ros Eeles.


2014-2017 NIHR – Health services and delivery; Lead applicant Professor C Salisbury, University of Bristol– 3D, whole person care - £1,066714 – my role as listed collaborator with Professor Chris Salisbury and others including the University of Manchester and Glasgow in putting together a bid for a NIHR grant. This was successful and a £1.78M NIHR research grant studied a total of 32 GP practices and over 1,300 patients with three or more long-term conditions  on how best to tackle Multimorbidity (the 3D study)


2013 ongoing. The Prostate Cancer Consortia (PRACTICAL) . An international consortia of researchers interested in genomic research. I am an interested observer for St Georges. 

2011-2013: Department of Health Systematic review of online access. University of Surrey - £60K. I commissioned this review on behalf of the RCGP.


My PhD was based around Phase I clinical trials involving clinical and laboratory studies of a new antifolate drug.

Dr Jude Hayward - RCGP Joint Clinical Champions in Genomics

Professor Ros Eeles- Prostate cancer polygenic risk scores through BARCODE 1

Congenica - work on Pharamacogenomics

Future Learn, Genomics MOOC Primary Care Scenarios with the Wellcome Advanced Courses and Conferences at the Sanger Cambridge

Professor Clare Turnbull - CAN VAR

Professor Kate Tatton Brown - Gene notes

Genomics Education Programme-GP MSc in Genomicsgroup

Future Health - Steering group

Genomics England - GP working panel

BSc Primary Care- module on models of care, genomics and AI

MSt Genomics  University of Cambridge for the pharmacogenomics module on primary care


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