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Dr John Hammond

Senior Lecturer
Centre for Allied Health

I graduated as a physiotherapist in Melbourne, Australia in 1990. I have worked as a physiotherapist in the NHS in the UK, in a variety of positions including musculoskeletal, pain and rheumatology.

I became a lecturer-practitioner in 2001, before moving full-time into education in 2004.  I am currently Head of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences in the Faculty of Health Social Care and Education and am responsible for overseeing the management of the pre-registration physiotherapy and occupational therapy programmes as well as new developments in postgraduate provision related to rehabilitation in the faculty.

My teaching interests relate to communication, self management approaches, social justice, reflective practice and professionalism/interprofessional working.


  • Doctor of Education
  • PGCert Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
  • MSc Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
  • BSc Physiotherapy

I have gained research experience in a range of pedagogic practices including gender, peer learning, reflective practice and widening participation. I have conducted quantitative and qualitative research, action research and I am currently an Associate Editor of the Physiotherapy Journal. I completed his Doctorate in Education at Kingston University and Roehampton University exploring the construction of gender identity in physiotherapy education using a critical pedagogic approach.

Research student supervision


Norris, M., Hammond, J., Williams, A. and Walker, S. (2020) Students with specific learning disabilities experiences of pre-registration physiotherapy education : a qualitative study. BMC Medical Education, 20(2), ISSN (print) 1472-6920

Hammond, John A., Williams, Annabel, Walker, Saskia and Norris, Meriel (2019) Working hard to belong : a qualitative study exploring students from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds experiences of pre-registration physiotherapy education. BMC Medical Education, 19, p. 372. ISSN (online) 1472-6920

Hammond, John Anthony, Williams, Annabel, Walker, Saskia and Norris, Meriel (2019) Working hard to belong : a qualitative study exploring students from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds experiences of pre-registration physiotherapy education. Research Square,

Norris, Meriel, Hammond, John A., Williams, Annabel, Grant, Robert, Naylor, Sandra and Rozario, Catherine (2018) Individual student characteristics and attainment in pre-registration physiotherapy : a retrospective multi-site cohort study. Physiotherapy, 104(4), pp. 446-452. ISSN (print) 0031-9406

Milligan, James, Grafton, Kate and Hammond, John A. (2018) 'Student-y or studious' : an exploration of students' perceptions of parallel learning in preregistration physiotherapy education. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 34(6), pp. 472-482. ISSN (print) 0959-3985

Hammond, JohnMarshall-Lucette, SylvieDavies, NigelRoss, Fiona and Harris, Ruth (2017) Spotlight on equality of employment opportunities : a qualitative study of job seeking experiences of graduating nurses and physiotherapists from black and minority ethnic backgrounds. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 74, pp. 172-180. ISSN (print) 0020-7489

Kulnik, StefanPoestges, HeideBrimicombe, LucindaHammond, John A. and Jones, Fiona (2017) Implementing an interprofessional model of self-management support across a community workforce : a mixed-methods evaluation study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 31(1), pp. 75-84. ISSN (print) 1356-1820

Wood, Julia HelenAlushi, Ledia and Hammond, John A. (2016) Communication and respect for people with dementia : student learning (CARDS) – the development and evaluation of a pilot of an education intervention for pre-qualifying healthcare students. International Psychogeriatrics, 28(4), pp. 647-656. ISSN (print) 1041-6102

Hammond, John, Dakin, Catherine, White, Helen, Treadwell, Elizabeth and Grant, Robert (2015) Ten years on : the long term impact of widening participation healthcare summer schools. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 17(4), pp. 49-66. ISSN (print) 1466-6529

Alushi, LediaHammond, John A. and Wood, Julia H. (2015) Evaluation of dementia education programs for pre-registration healthcare students - A review of the literature. Nurse Education Today, 35(9), pp. 992-998. ISSN (print) 0260-6917

Wood, JuliaAlushi, Ledia and Hammond, John (2014) Teaching communication: the CARDS programme. Journal of Dementia Care, 33(2), pp. 31-33. ISSN (print) 1351-8372

Jones, FionaWaters, Crystal, Benson, Laurence, Jones, Chris, Hammond, John and Bailey, Nicola (2012) Evaluation of a shared approach to interprofessional learning about stroke self-management. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 26(6), pp. 514-516. ISSN (print) 1356-1820

Norrie, CarolineHammond, JohnCollington, Valentina and Fook, Jan (2012) Doing it differently? A review of literature on teaching reflective practice across health and social care professions. Reflective Practice, 13(4), pp. 565-578. ISSN (print) 1462-3943

Hammond, John A.Lewis, Kenton, White, Helen and Bowman, Deborah (2012) Adjusting the academy : developing an adjusted entrance criteria scheme in a specialist healthcare and bioscience higher education institution. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 13(3), pp. 45-59. ISSN (print) 1466-6529

Lewis, Kenton, Hammond, John A and Horvers, Kea (2011) In challenging times, might the Equality Act 2010 assist universities in embracing and embedding widening participation? Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, pp. 1-4. ISSN (print) 1360-3108

Hammond, JohnBithell, ChristineJones, Lester and Bidgood, Penelope (2010) A first year experience of student-directed peer-assisted learning. Active Learning in Higher Education, 11(3), pp. 201-212. ISSN (print) 1469-7874

Axford, J., Butt, A., Heron, C., Hammond, J., Morgan, J., Alavi, A., Bolton, J. and Bland, M. (2010) Prevalence of anxiety and depression in osteoarthritis: use of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale as a screening tool. Clinical Rheumatology, 29(11), pp. 1277-1283. ISSN (print) 0770-3198

Hammond, John A. (2009) Assessment of clinical components of physiotherapy undergraduate education: are there any issues with gender? Physiotherapy, 95(4), pp. 266-272. ISSN (print) 0031-9406

Hammond, John (2003) Book Review of: Massage therapy - the evidence for practice by Grant Jewel Rich. Manual Therapy, 8(1), p. 56. ISSN (print) 1356-689X

Hammond, John (2001) Book Review of: Physical therapy of the low back. L.T. Twomey, J.R. Taylor. 3rd edition. Manual Therapy, 6(4), p. 261. ISSN (print) 1356-689X

Book Section

Hammond, John A. (2016) Negotiating gender concepts and critical pedagogy : a reflective account of doctoral research in physiotherapy education. In: Perselli, Victoria, (ed.) Education, theory and pedagogies of change in a global landscape : interdisciplinary perspectives on the role of theory in the doctorate. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 48-61. ISSN (print) 9781137549235

Jones, Lester E., Hammond, John A. and Beaudoin, Jean-Pascal (2010) Clinically-based learning portfolios for guiding reflection and professional development. In: McAllister, Lindy , Paterson, Margo , Higgs, Joy and Bithell, Christine, (eds.) Innovations in allied health fieldwork education: a critical appraisal. Rotterdam, Netherlands : Sense Publishers. pp. 131-140. (Practice, Education, Work and Society, (4)) ISBN 9789460913211

Conference or Workshop Item

Norris, M., Hammond, J.A., Williams, A. and Walker, S. (2018) Student explorations of black and minority ethnic attainment inequalities in pre-registration physiotherapy - a qualitative study. In: Physiotherapy UK 2018; 19-20 Oct 2018, Brimingham, U.K..

Hammond, J.A., Norris, M., Williams, A. and Walker, S. (2018) Student explorations of disability attainment inequalities in pre-registration physiotherapy - a qualitative study. In: Physiotherapy UK 2018; 19-20 Oct 2018, Brimingham, U.K..

Milligan, J., Grafton, K. and Hammond, J.A. (2016) An exploration of students' views of parallel teaching in pre-registration physiotherapy education. In: 4th European Congress of the European Region of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (ER-WCPT); 11-12 Nov 2016, Liverpool, U.K..

Lewko, A.Ooms, A.Cole, M. J. and Hammond, J. (2015) Differences in current approaches to respiratory physiotherapy student practice education across Europe. In: World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2015; 01-04 May 2015, Singapore, Singapore.

Kahraman, A. and Hammond, J. (2015) The biopsychosocial characteristics associated with self-management and self-efficacy for individuals in the longer term after stroke. In: World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2015; 01-04 May 2015, Singapore, Singapore.

Ooms, AnnHammond, John and Fergy, Sue (2012) Using an iterative evaluation approach to enhance the quality of learning, teaching and assessment within the Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences. In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Hammond, John A. (2008) Assessment of practice-based components of physiotherapy undergraduate education: is there an issue with gender? In: 2nd European Congress on Physiotherapy Education; 25-26 September 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.

D'Avray, Lynda, Hammond, John and Turner, Margot (2008) Celebrating diverse patients, students and professions to develop interprofessional education and practice. In: 13th Ottawa International Conference on Clinical Competence; 5-8 March 2008, Melbourne , Australia. (Unpublished)

D'Avray, Lynda, Turner, Margot and Hammond, John (2008) Facilitating diversity and interprofessional learning. In: 13th Ottawa International Conference on Clinical Competence; 5-8 March 2008, Melbourne , Australia. (Unpublished)

Hammond, J and Jones, L (2007) Reflective practice portfolio and peer assisted learning: do students perceive they contribute differently to their learning? In: World Physical Therapy 2007; 2-6 June 2007, Vancouver, Canada.

Hammond, JohnJones, Lee and Bithell, Christine (2004) A novel development of peer assisted learning in an undergraduate physiotherapy programme in the United Kingdom. In: European Congress on Physiotherapy Education; 4-5 Nov 2004, Lisbon, Portugal.

Hammond, JohnJones, LeeHorgan, Teresa and Bithell, Christine (2004) Evaluation of peer learning in the clinical and university environments in a Bsc (Hons) physiotherapy programme. In: European Congress on Physiotherapy Education; 4-5 Nov 2004, Estoril, Portugal.

Jones, Lee [Designer] and Hammond, John [Designer] (2004) Use of discussion boards in the School of Physiotherapy. In: Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences Conference; April 2004, Kingston upon Thames, UK.


Hammond, John A. (2013) Doing gender in physiotherapy education: a critical pedagogic approach to understanding how students construct gender identities in an undergraduate physiotherapy programme in the United Kingdom. (Ed.D thesis), Kingston University,

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