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Liza is interested in a life course approach to women's physical and mental health.

Prior to clinical training her PhD work looked at rural to urban migration in India and changes in cardiovascular disease risk. During her clinical training she worked on hypertension in pregnancy, including its importance as a marker of future cardiovascular risk.

In 2023 she joined the Primary Care Epidemiology Group as an NIHR Clinical Lecturer, and is focusing on the use of electronic health records to help understand patterns of health and disease across the life course. 

Liza works clinically as a GP in Brighton.

Liza's first degree was in Human Sciences from Oxford - an interdisciplinary course looking at humans from interconnecting perspectives across biological and social sciences. She then completed her MSc (Demography and Health) and PhD (Epidemiology) at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. For her PhD she worked on the Indian Migration Study - looking at rural to urban migration in India and changes in cardiovascular risk, with her thesis focusing on dietary changes in this population.

She then studied graduate medicine at St George's University. During this time she continued some of her Indian Migration Study work, and gained further global health fieldwork experience in Bangladesh and the Philippines with the LSHTM Cataract Impact Study team.

Liza completed her GP vocational training and Academic Clinical Fellowship in London, where her research work focused on projects looking at hypertension in pregnancy and postnatal care, working with multidisciplinary teams from King's College London and Oxford University. 

Liza now works as a GP in Brighton and as an NIHR Clinical Lecturer at St George's University with the Primary Care Epidemiology Group.

Please see ORCID for a list of publications:

Liza teaches on the Clinical Epidemiology Case Analysis Project for second and third year medical students, and lectures on contraception and menopause for the medical students. 

She is a tutor on the LSHTM distance learning course on Fundamentals of Epidemiology.

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